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Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s VTC. We will not be taking roll call, so please email a list of VTC attendees at your site to:

2 Introduction Student News VTC Welcome to the September 2009 Student VTC. Our next VTC will be Thursday, October 22nd, 2009. If you have comments or suggestions for upcoming VTC’s, please email them to:

3 News

4 News Upcoming Workshops Transcript - Regional Workshops –September 30 – October 12 There will be lots of new information to share – Don’t miss out! CEDARS –WSIPC Q&A VTC September 30 - 10:30 – 12:00 Host Sites –Colville –Pullman –Cheney –Northeast Washington ESD Conference Center CEDARS in Skyward –October 5 – 9:00 – 1:00 Northeast Washington ESD Conference Center

5 News Important Dates CSRS Summer CSRS due September 30 th –June, July, and August-End Data CEDARS August-Begin and September Data for 2009-10 –Teacher Birthdates need to be entered on the Staff table for any districts not using Skyward Fiscal/HR –Data is extracted from Skyward every Thursday night and will be available for verification the following Monday.

6 News Fiscal Conversions November 2009 – West Valley Welcome to our new Student Records Districts Riverside Wilbur Orient

7 News Upcoming Release October Release Weekend 3:00 AM – 9:00 AM Saturday, October 10th Users must be logged out during this installation Release notes will be posted to the Student Website


9 30 Day Application Expiration The complete set of process sheets can be found on the North East Washington ESD101 Web Site Go to Choose Student Records Resources Choose Training Material Libraries Choose Food Service This process consists of 4 steps 1.Prior Year Application Report 2.Letters to Families 3.Expire Applications 4.Inform Families of Status Change

10 Prior Year Payor Applications This report can be used to determine which Payors returned an application last year, but have not yet returned one this year. All processes should be run from entity 000. At the beginning of each school year, families must re-apply for free and reduced meals. They have 30 serving days to make this application. During the 30- day window, the prior year’s lunch code will be in effect. After 30 serving days, any student who does not have a new application entered into the system must be changed back to paid status. A district may choose to send letters home to those families who qualified for free or reduced priced meals in the prior year, but have not turned in a new application for the current school year. This program looks at the Payor Status to determine whether to select a record. Consequently, if a customer is inactive (student has been withdrawn), but the payor status is still active, they will be printed on the report.

11 Prior Year Payor Applications Sample Letter

12 Reminder Letters to Families Run letters for those who have not returned an Application For Free and Reduced Price Meals, for the current school Year. Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payer Customer Maint./Maintain Payer Customer/Report/Prior Year Application Letters by: Guardian

13 Reminder Letters to Families Sample Letter

14 Reminder Letters to Families

15 Expire 2009 Applications This process should not be run, until on or after the specified expiration date. Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Utilities/Mass Changes/Change Customers’ Lunch Code Using Payer Application Date

16 Expire 2009 Applications Calendar Selections

17 Expire 2009 Applications The process will place the words ‘MASS CREATED ’ in the TANF\Food Stamp Nbr.. Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payer Customer Maint./Maintain Payer Customer

18 Create Letters (Predefined Version) Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payer Customer Maint./Maintain Payer Customer/Report/Payor Application Letters by: Guardian

19 Create Letters (Predefined Version)

20 Letters to Families Predefined Version

21 Create Letters (Mail Merge) Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payer Customer Maint./Maintain Payer Customer/Report/Payor Application Letters by: Guardian

22 Create Letters (Mail Merge) Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payer Customer Maint./Maintain Payer Customer/Report/Payor Application Letters by: Guardian

23 Letters to Families


25 Verification of Income Eligibility The complete set of process sheets can be found on the Northeast Washington ESD101 Web Site Go to Choose Student Records Resources Choose Training Material Libraries Choose Food Service

26 Verification of Income Eligibility Make sure all categorically eligible student applications say ‘Yes’ in the Exclude from Random Option Make sure all hand entered direct certification applications say ‘Yes’ in the Exclude from Random Option All direct certification applications imported from DSHS will automatically be excluded Foster children are not considered categorically eligible. They are a household size of 1. The student’s personal income must be provided to determine meal code eligibility.

27 Verification of Income Eligibility The Skyward Verification of Income Eligibility Process meets the reporting requirements for the School Food Authority Verification Summary Report. Run this process from Entity 000. There are 4 separate options under Verification of Income Eligibility: 1. Create Verification Sampling 2. Verification Sampling Responses 3. View/Edit Verification Sampling 4. Verification Summary Report

28 Verification of Income Eligibility This option is used to create the Initial Verification letter(s) to send to Payors. Only approved applications with an effective date less than or equal to the date entered in the ‘Count Date’ and greater than or equal to the current Food Service Start Date (typically August 1st) will be selected for verification. Note: If the district has been modifying lunch codes by editing the Customer record and not adding a new application, this will affect the Verification process as selections are made based on Payor applications. It’s recommended that the district run the Payor/Customer Lunch Codes Report (found in the Food Service Reporting menu) with the option ‘Print differences in lunch code only’ selected. Any differences between Payor/Customer lunch codes should be reviewed and corrected. The ‘Total Eligible Applications for Last Verification Sampling Run’ is the total from last year. Once the process for the 2009-2010 school year the number will update accordingly.

29 Verification of Income Eligibility Error Prone Sampling logic: For those applications that have a monthly income of within $100.00 of the upper limits for free or reduced eligibility: From the error prone applications, the software will select the smaller of 3% or 3000 of all approved applications. If the number of error prone is less than 3% or 3000 of all applications, the remaining applications will be selected randomly from the other applications (non-error prone).

30 Verification of Income Eligibility Create Sampling Student Mngmnt/Food Service/Payor Customer Maint/Maintain Payor Cust/Report/ Verification of Income Eligibility

31 Verification of Income Eligibility

32 Verification of Income Verification Letter Sample Report

33 Verification of Income Eligibility View/Edit Verification Sampling This option is used to record the Customer/Payor responses to the verification letters. When this option is selected, a screen is displayed listing the payors who were sent verification letters from the Create Verification Sampling process. To reprint the verification letter for a payor, highlight the payor’s name and click Letter. This will display the same letter setup options that were setup in the Create Verification Sampling process and will allow the user to re-generate a single letter by payor. To record a response, highlight the appropriate payor and select Edit. The Edit Verification Record screen is displayed and the user can enter the Response Date and assign a Response Action Code. The codes that are available are:

34 Verification of Income Eligibility

35 Verification Sampling Responses This option generates a report of Payors who received letters and their responses to the letters. The user has the option to include all response types or only specified types.

36 Verification of Income Eligibility Verification Summary Report This option generates a summary report of the verification responses. For the Count Date, enter the date used when creating the verification letters. If the same date isn’t used, you may see conflicting information. Check the box to print student detail.

37 Verification of Income Eligibility My School District

38 Verification of Income Eligibility


40 Automated Batch Process There are options available for districts to automate the Purchase and Payment Update processes. If either (or both) of these processes are enabled for a district, the appropriate batch process(es) will run daily (Monday through Friday) at 4:00 PM. The batch report is saved to Saved Reports (SM/ST/RE/VS) and available to the user that #SAVEd the automated process parameters.

41 Resources Northeast Regional Data Center Go to –Training Materials Click cancel if a screen pops up requesting a password This presentation will be posted upon completion of the VTC. –FAQS –Calendar

42 Feedback VTC topics you’d like to see covered? Training needs? Email suggestions to

43 Thank You! Please e-mail a list of VTC attendees at your site to:

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