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Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Wildhagen Fifth Grade Room 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Wildhagen Fifth Grade Room 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Wildhagen Fifth Grade Room 17

2 Meet the Teacher Born and raised in Lompoc BA in Child Development
from Cal State Northridge Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential Taught grades 3-5 and Resource grades K-6 Eleventh year teaching Married with 8 year old identical twin girls Lives in Orcutt

3 Goals for 5th Grade Master all 5th grade California Common Core Standards in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science Make and achieve Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math goals each trimester Read a variety of genres and participate in book club Increase vocabulary Become a lifelong learner

4 Classroom Rules and Expectations
Be on time and prepared to work Complete work to the best of your ability Listen when the teacher is talking Follow directions the first time Turn in homework on time Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Treat others the way you want to be treated

5 Discipline and Rewards
Discipline- Clip-it Behavior Management Students begin day on “Ready to Learn” Students will have the opportunity to clip up for excellent behavior Students will clip down when their behavior is unsatisfactory Each level on or above “Ready to Learn” is worth points Each level below “Ready to Learn” is a loss of points Students will use points to buy reward coupons or brag tags Students can be sent home with a behavior reflection for clipping down Rewards Group points Brag tags Individual points Tickets for auctions Reward coupons Marble jar

6 Buena Vista BEST Program
1. BE SAFE Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Use equipment and supplies properly. Walk quietly to your destination. Get adult help when someone is in danger or threatened. 2. BE RESPONSIBLE Be on time and ready to learn. Follow directions and do your best. Play fair. Be a problem solver. 3.  BE RESPECTFUL Listen when others speak. Use kind words and actions. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Follow the directions of all BV staff.

7 Curriculum and Assessment
Language Arts- Houghton Mifflin Math- New curriculum McGraw Hill Social Studies- Macmillan/McGraw Hill Science- Macmillan/McGraw Hill P.E.- Sparks GATE- Vocabu-Lit, a variety of activities from Making ALL Kids Smarter by John Delandtsheer, and small group with Mrs. Schmeiser. EL- Medallions by Houghton Mifflin Assessment Classroom assessments (formal and informal) District assessments Standardized testing (Smarter Balance) Report cards go home every trimester (3 times a year) Grading 94%-100%= Advanced 80%-93%= Proficient 70%-79%= Basic 60%-69%= Below Basic 59% & lower= Far Below Basic

8 Homework Assigned Monday-Thursday Due daily and or/end of week
Homework is directly linked to what is being learned in school Reading for 20 minutes per night is vital for progress Practice math facts daily Math assigned daily Spelling assigned on Monday and due on Wednesday Vocabulary assigned on Wednesday and due on Friday Spelling and vocabulary tests will be on Friday Star Student assigned on Friday and due on following Wednesday Vocabu-Lit assigned on Thursday and due on following Thursday Record homework in planner Perfect homework record to enjoy Homework Club Late homework is accepted, but points may be deducted If absent, bring the next day (no points will be deducted) Cursive handwriting may be required

9 Student Planners Students record homework daily in planner
Teacher will stamp planner when all homework is handed in every morning Missing assignments will be highlighted This is a vital form of daily communication between home and school Students can practice organization and responsibility skills ready for 6th grade

10 What to Expect in 5th Grade
Computer lab and library P.E. every Wednesday and Friday (Wear appropriate shoes and clothes on P.E. days) State project Book Club- Buena Vista University FactsWise European Explorers in the New World Play CIMI- Catalina Island Marine Institute February 3rd-5th Walk Through the Revolution Feb. 26th Cabrillo Aquarium Field Trip

11 Buena Vista University
Class time is given each day to read and work on letters Each student is assigned a group Letters/projects are shared once a month Snacks make it fun! Students will be able to communicate clearly. Students will be able to state opinions and show proof to support their responses. Students will make connections with their own lives, other books, and the world around them Bachelor’s Degree- 4 Letters, 4 projects, and 1 poetry presentation Master’s Degree- Topic study on 3 books Doctorate Degree- Theme study on 3 books and letter “Myself as a Reader”

12 Home/School Connection
Visit our class Student planners Voic Class website Remind- Sign-up through text or . Text: to 81010 *Math Textbook online Username: student I.D. # plus first letter of first name and first letter of last name (no spaces) EW (example) Password: monthday and first letter of first name and first letter of last name (no spaces) 0714EW (example)

13 Parent Volunteers Needed
Classroom helpers: copying, small groups, and preparing materials Field trip chaperones At home help Please see Parent Volunteer sign-up form for inquiries.

14 Thank you for coming! I am looking forward to a wonderful year working with you and your child. Together we achieve excellence!

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