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VNTE Prep Anesthetic Review.

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Presentation on theme: "VNTE Prep Anesthetic Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 VNTE Prep Anesthetic Review

2 Vapor Pressure A measure of the tendency of a molecule to escape from the liquid phase to the vapor or gas phase. Determines how readily the anesthetic liquid evaporates in the anesthetic machine vaporizer. Agents w/ high vapor pressure are considered to be volatile.

3 Vapor Pressure High vapor pressure = Evaporate readily = Must use precision vaporizer Low vapor pressure = Don’t evaporate as readily = Does not require a precision vaporizer

4 Solubility Coefficient
A measurement of the distribution of the inhalation agent between the blood and gas phases in the body. Agents w/ a high solubility coefficients take longer to induce and recover from anesthesia. Agents w/ a high solubility coefficient are extremely soluble in blood & tissues – they do not build up in high levels in the alveoli.

5 Solubility Coefficient
Agents w/ a low solubility coefficient have rapid induction & recovery from anesthesia. Agents w/ a low solubility coefficient are less soluble in blood & tissues - they build up in the alveoli in sufficient levels Associated w/ the speed of induction, recovery, & change in anesthetic depth

6 Minimum Alveolar Concentration
A measurement of the potency of an agent The lowest concentration of an anesthetic agent that produces no response to painful stimuli in 50% of the patients. The lower the MAC the more potent the agent (It takes less to reach desired effect)

7 Minimum Alveolar Concentration
It takes a higher concentration of an agent w/ a high MAC to maintain a similar anesthetic depth when compared to an agent w/ a lower MAC. It is more cost effective to use an anesthetic agent w/ a low MAC.

8 Vaporizer Out of Circuit
AKA – VOC Vaporizer is not in the breathing circuit - Circuit includes: unidirectional valves, hoses, CO2 absorber canister, APL valve, reservoir bag Precision vaporizers Must be placed out of the breathing circuit due to high resistance to gas flow

9 Vaporizer in Circuit AKA – VIC Vaporizer is part of the circuit
Nonprecision vaporizers Offer little resistance to gas flow thru the breathing circuit

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