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Glynn Academy Senior Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 2:00PM Presented by Dr. Aundra Simmons Vaughn, School Counselor.

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Presentation on theme: "Glynn Academy Senior Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 2:00PM Presented by Dr. Aundra Simmons Vaughn, School Counselor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glynn Academy Senior Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 2:00PM Presented by Dr. Aundra Simmons Vaughn, School Counselor

2 Welcome Back Seniors!!! Highlights for Senior year : CRITICAL YEAR 1.Schedules 2.Graduation Requirements! 3.EOC this year = Economics (Social Studies) 4.HOPE Scholarship Rigor Requirements 5.Move On When Ready (MOWR) 6.SAT and/or ACT - See my website for details. 7.College Recruitment, Visitation, &Admissions 8.Scholarships/Resumes/Opportunities 9.Questions

3 Why is this year so Critical? You’re near the end of HS and it’s time to make some important decisions… College applications: 9th-11 th grade transcript! Need to demonstrate continuing growth & development ◦ Academics = increasing rigor & grades ◦ CTAE = completing pathways / internship? ◦ Extra-curricular Activities: clubs, sports, fine arts, etc. ◦ Community Service!

4 Schedules - ??? All schedules should be available to view on Infinite Campus Things are still in progress (registrar is balancing classes), so FINAL schedules will be distributed next week during Open House (Wednesday, 8/12/15, 5:00-7:00 PM) and 1 st day of school (Thursday, 8/13/15, @ 8:20 AM). Reasons for change- wrong level, duplicate credit, complete pathway, change to take college class or WBL, no prerequisite NOT Reason for change – didn’t do summer assignment, want A lunch, different teacher NO EMPTY BLOCKS

5 Notes: Schedule change requests are made every year, but unfortunately, making changes has become more and more difficult each year with budget cuts and limited flexibility within the master schedule. Especially since our registrar works very hard to ensure you are placed in the courses that you selected during the registration process, and the master schedule is built around your selected courses, please do not submit a request because of a personal reason ( e.g. you wish to be in the same class or lunch as your friends, you heard about this teacher or that teacher, you’re not sure if you’ll like one of the classes you picked out, etc. ). We do understand that some changes have to be made, particularly for academic reasons or extenuating circumstances, but we ask that you please consider requests very carefully before submitting.


7 How are you doing with credits??? Most Seniors should have at least 24 credits by now (8 from freshman year + 8 from sophomore year + 8 from junior year) Ensure that you are on Track! Promotion to Senior Standing = minimum of 18 Total Credits 3 credits = ELA 3 credits = Math 3 credits = Science 3 credits = Social Science 6 credits = Electives (FL, FA, CTAE) ( 1 should be Health/PF & at least 2 should be foreign language for college bound students) Make sure you have needed courses on your schedule !

8 Move on When Ready Formerly ACCEL, Move On When Ready, Dual HOPE Enrollment High school students may earn high school course credits while taking college courses(academic and career). Pays for tuition, mandatory fees, and books. New program – New participation agreement All students participating will need to get the new participation agreement signed. Fall Orientation – CCGA- August 11, 2015 with check-in at 5:30pm. Online Registration requested.

9 College Admissions – why now? “Before the turkey goes in the oven” Research/Probe Fair/College Fair College Visits – forms on website Select your top 3 choices and apply. Where do you find info? ◦ (Top resource for GA students) ◦ (rankings and categories) Who do you ask for help?

10 TESTING, TESTING, 1-2-3 SAT AND ACT test calendar (hand- out) TEST early for results by November Fee waivers available for eligible students. COMPASS exam for most Technical Colleges (given at GA)

11 Scholarships See my website & GACOLLEGE411 Sign-up for a scholarship search site. HS, College, Local, State, and National Request multiple copies of official transcripts. (do not open) Select teachers for letters of recommendations

12 SCHOLARSHIPS Create your resume. Community Service/Volunteerism Draft an essay that can be adapted ADHERE TO DEADLINES

13 FYI SENIOR PLATINUM CARD applications are available on GA website TODAY. HWY 55 (Burgers, Shakes & Fries)- new restaurant in town is having a job fair on Thursday from 10:00am-5:00pm (bring resume with references) Homeroom will be on Mondays at 8:20am. Senior PARKING PASS – see Dr. Harvey. Senior park in the old Glynn Middle bus loop – NOT behind the old Gym

14 Please email, call, see me: Dr. Aundra S. Vaughn Counseling Office GA Building, Rm 5109 912-267-4210 ext. 3182 Questions???

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