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Model Chemistries Lecture CompChem 4 Chemistry 347 Hope College.

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1 Model Chemistries Lecture CompChem 4 Chemistry 347 Hope College

2 Terminology Model chemistry –Should be unbiased, well-defined, uniformly applicable –Theoretical method and basis set (ex: HF/3-21G) Basis set –Functions that approximate atomic orbitals Theoretical method –Method for computing molecular energy

3 Model Chemistries HF B3LYP MP2MP4…Full CI STO-3G 3-21G 6-31G(d) 6-311+G(d,p) …  Schrödin- ger Eqn  Electron correlation   Basis Set Size 

4 Basis Sets Miminal –One function per core and valence atomic orbital –STO-3G: 5 functions (1s,2s,2p x,y, z ) for C Split Valence –Additional functions allow orbitals to change size –3-21G: 9 functions (1s,2s,3s,2p,3p) for C Polarized –Additional functions allow orbitals to change shape –6-31G(d) : 15 functions (1s,2s,3s,2p,3p,3d) for C

5 Basis Sets (con’t) Diffuse –Additional “diffuse” functions allow orbitals to occupy large regions of space –6-31+G(d) : 19 functions for C High Angular Momentum –Additional p,d,f functions allow orbitals to change shape even more –6-311+G(d,p): 22 functions for C

6 Basis Set Effects Larger basis set results in more accurate calculations (variational theorem) Larger basis sets require more time, memory, disk (calculations scale as N 4 ) Additional functions do not have physical meaning, but allow better mathematical description of molecular orbitals

7 Theoretical Methods Semi-Empirical Methods (AM1, PM3) –Parameterized from experimental data on simple organic molecules –Very fast –Semi-quantitaive –Good for very large systems or to get initial geometries for subsequent calculations –Reported energies are heats of formation, rather than energy from isolated nuclei and electrons

8 Theoretical Methods (con’t) Hartree-Fock (HF) –Solves Schrödiner Equation from first principles (ab initio) –Uses Self-Consistent Field (SCF) approximation for electron positions, thereby neglecting electron correlation –Good base-level theory for geometries and frequencies –Relatively robust

9 Theoretical Methods (con’t) Post-SCF Methods (MP2, MP4, QCISD, CCSD) –Include some electron correlation –Analytical gradients for MP2 and MP4SDQ; analytical frequencies for MP2 (in general, don’t optimize or calculate frequencies at MP4) –Small but necessary improvement in accuracy (0.1 H = 63 kcal/mol  0.01H = 6.3 kcal/mol) –Very costly in time

10 Theoretical Methods (con’t) Density Functional Theory (B3LYP) –Electron correlation is built-in –Faster than MP2 –Only electron density is available, not orbitals (but one can project density onto a set of orbitals) –“MP2 quality results with HF speed”

11 Compound Methods Do it yourself –Pre-optimize at Hartree-Fock; calculate frequencies for thermal corrections ( OPT FREQ ) –Re-optimize geometry at MP2 ( OPT ) –Calculate energy at MP4 ( SP ) –Assemble results Terminology –En Method/En Basis//Geom Method/Geom Basis –Ex: MP4/6-311+G(2d,p)//MP2/6-31G(d)

12 Compound Methods (con’t) G1, G2(MP2), and G2 –Procedure for computing and calculating energies using HF, MP2, and MP4 and large basis sets –Mean Absolute Deviation = 1.6 - 1.2 kcal/mol CBS-4M, CBS-40, and CBS-Q –Reduce basis set size as method improves –Mean Absolute Deviation = 2.0 - 1.0 kcal/mol CBS-4M has most accuracy for calculation time

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