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John E. McMurry Paul D. Adams University of Arkansas Chapter 1 Structure and Bonding.

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1 John E. McMurry Paul D. Adams University of Arkansas Chapter 1 Structure and Bonding

2  Living things are made of organic chemicals (carbon-based compounds)  Proteins that make up hair  DNA, controls genetic make-up  Foods, medicines What is Organic Chemistry?

3 Foundations of organic chemistry from mid-1700’s. Compounds obtained from plants, animals hard to isolate, and purify. Compounds also decomposed more easily. Torben Bergman (1770) first to make distinction between organic and inorganic chemistry. It was thought that organic compounds must contain some “vital force” because they were from living sources. Origins of Organic Chemistry

4 Because of “vital force”, it was thought that organic compounds could not be synthesized in laboratory like inorganic compounds. 1816, Chevreul showed that not to be the case, he could prepare soap from animal fat and an alkali and glycerol is a product 1828, Woehler showed that it was possible to convert inorganic salt ammonium cyanate into organic substance “urea” Origins of Organic Chemistry

5  Organic chemistry is study of carbon compounds.  Why is it so special?  90% of more than 30 million chemical compounds contain carbon.  Examination of carbon in periodic chart answers some of these questions.  Carbon is group 4A element, it can share 4 valence electrons and form 4 covalent bonds. Origins of Organic Chemistry

6 Abundance of Organic Compounds Why are there so many more organic compounds than inorganic? Carbon has unique bonding characteristics – Strong, covalent bonds with C and H Isomerism – Groups of carbon atoms can form more than one unique compound

7  Structure of an atom  Positively charged nucleus (very dense, protons and neutrons) and small (10 -15 m)  Negatively charged electrons are in a cloud (10 -10 m) around nucleus  Diameter is about 2  10 -10 m (200 picometers (pm)) [the unit ångström (Å) is 10 -10 m = 100 pm] 1.1 Atomic Structure

8  The atomic number (Z) is the number of protons in the atom's nucleus  The mass number (A) is the number of protons plus neutrons  All the atoms of a given element have the same atomic number  Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons and therefore different mass numbers  The atomic mass (atomic weight) of an element is the weighted average mass in atomic mass units (amu) of an element’s naturally occurring isotopes Atomic Number and Atomic Mass

9 Shells, Subshells, Orbitals  The number of subshells in a shell = shell number  The first subshell s has 1 orbital. Each successive subshell adds 2 more orbitals (1, 3, 5, 7, etc).  Each orbital can hold only 2 electrons of opposite spin.  An atom with n = 3 also includes all subshells and orbitals for n < 3:  1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3d

10  Quantum mechanics: describes electron energies and locations by a wave equation  Wave function solution of wave equation  Each wave function is an orbital, ψ  A plot of ψ describes where electron most likely to be  Electron cloud has no specific boundary so we show most probable area, i.e., this is a probability function. 1.2 Atomic Structure: Orbitals

11  Four different kinds of orbitals for electrons based on those derived for a hydrogen atom  Denoted s, p, d, and f  s and p orbitals most important in organic and biological chemistry  s orbitals: spherical, nucleus at center  p orbitals: dumbbell-shaped, nucleus at middle  d orbitals: elongated dumbbell-shaped, nucleus at center Shapes of Atomic Orbitals for Electrons

12  Orbitals are grouped in shells of increasing size and energy  Different shells contain different numbers and kinds of orbitals  Each orbital can be occupied by two electrons Orbitals and Shells (Continued)

13  First shell contains one s orbital, denoted 1s, holds only two electrons  Second shell contains one s orbital (2s) and three p orbitals (2p), eight electrons  Third shell contains an s orbital (3s), three p orbitals (3p), and five d orbitals (3d), 18 electrons Orbitals and Shells (Continued)

14  In each shell there are three perpendicular p orbitals, p x, p y, and p z, of equal energy  Lobes of a p orbital are separated by region of zero electron density, a node P-Orbitals

15 Bonding Characteristics of Carbon 2p 2s 1s Valence shell electrons C Q: If 2s electrons are already paired, with only 2 2p electrons unpaired, how does carbon form 4 covalent bonds?

16  Ground-state electron configuration (lowest energy arrangement) of an atom lists orbitals occupied by its electrons. Rules:  1. Lowest-energy orbitals fill first: 1s  2s  2p  3s  3p  4s  3d (Aufbau (“build-up”) principle)  2. Electrons act as if they were spinning around an axis. Electron spin can have only two orientations, up  and down . Only two electrons can occupy an orbital, and they must be of opposite spin (Pauli exclusion principle) to have unique wave equations  3. If two or more empty orbitals of equal energy are available, electrons occupy each with spins parallel until all orbitals have one electron (Hund's rule). 1.3 Atomic Structure: Electron Configurations

17 How are electrons arranged? Aufbau Principle Electrons fill orbitals starting at the lowest available (possible) energy states before filling higher states (e.g. 1s before 2s). Sometimes a low energy subshell has lower energy than upper subshell of preceding shell (e.g., 4s fills before 3d). Pauli exclusion principle QM principle: no two identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously (why paired electrons have different spin). Hund's rule Every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the same spin.

18  Kekulé and Couper independently observed that carbon always has four bonds  van't Hoff and Le Bel proposed that the four bonds of carbon have specific spatial directions  Atoms surround carbon as corners of a tetrahedron 1.4 Development of Chemical Bonding Theory

19  Atoms form bonds because the compound that results is more stable than the separate atoms  Ionic bonds in salts form as a result of electron transfers  Organic compounds have covalent bonds from sharing electrons (G. N. Lewis, 1916) Development of Chemical Bonding Theory

20  Lewis structures (electron dot) show valence electrons of an atom as dots  Hydrogen has one dot, representing its 1s electron  Carbon has four dots (2s 2 2p 2 )  Kekulé structures (line- bond structures) have a line drawn between two atoms indicating a 2 electron covalent bond.  Stable molecule results at completed shell, octet (eight dots) for main- group atoms (two for hydrogen) Development of Chemical Bonding Theory

21  Atoms with one, two, or three valence electrons form one, two, or three bonds.  Atoms with four or more valence electrons form as many bonds as they need electrons to fill the s and p levels of their valence shells to reach a stable octet.  Carbon has four valence electrons (2s 2 2p 2 ), forming four bonds (CH 4 ). Development of Chemical Bonding Theory

22  Nitrogen has five valence electrons (2s 2 2p 3 ) but forms only three bonds (NH 3 ).  Oxygen has six valence electrons (2s 2 2p 4 ) but forms two bonds (H 2 O) Development of Chemical Bonding Theory


24  Valence electrons not used in bonding are called nonbonding electrons, or lone-pair electrons  Nitrogen atom in ammonia (NH 3 )  Shares six valence electrons in three covalent bonds and remaining two valence electrons are nonbonding lone pair Non-Bonding Electrons

25  Covalent bond forms when two atoms approach each other closely so that a singly occupied orbital on one atom overlaps a singly occupied orbital on the other atom  Two models to describe covalent bonding. Valence bond theory, Molecular orbital theory Valence Bond Theory:  Electrons are paired in the overlapping orbitals and are attracted to nuclei of both atoms  H–H bond results from the overlap of two singly occupied hydrogen 1s orbitals  H-H bond is cylindrically symmetrical, sigma (  ) bond 1.5 Describing Chemical Bonds: Valence Bond Theory

26  Reaction 2 H·  H 2 releases 436 kJ/mol  Product has 436 kJ/mol less energy than two atoms: H–H has bond strength of 436 kJ/mol. (1 kJ = 0.2390 kcal; 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ) Bond Energy

27  Distance between nuclei that leads to maximum stability  If too close, they repel because both are positively charged  If too far apart, bonding is weak Bond Energy

28  Covalent bonds can have ionic character  These are polar covalent bonds  Bonding electrons attracted more strongly by one atom than by the other  Electron distribution between atoms is not symmetrical 2.1 Polar Covalent Bonds: Electronegativity

29  Electronegativity (EN): intrinsic ability of an atom to attract the shared electrons in a covalent bond  Differences in EN produce bond polarity  Arbitrary scale. As shown in Figure 2.2, electronegativities are based on an arbitrary scale  F is most electronegative (EN = 4.0), Cs is least (EN = 0.7)  Metals on left side of periodic table attract electrons weakly, lower EN  Halogens and other reactive nonmetals on right side of periodic table attract electrons strongly, higher electronegativities  EN of C = 2.5 Bond Polarity and Electronegativity

30 The Periodic Table and Electronegativity

31  Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: atoms with similar EN  Polar Covalent Bonds: Difference in EN of atoms < 2  Ionic Bonds: Difference in EN > 2  C–H bonds, relatively nonpolar C-O, C-X bonds (more electronegative elements) are polar  When C bonds with more EN atom  C acquires partial positive charge,  +  Electronegative atom acquires partial negative charge,  -  Inductive effect: shifting of electrons in a bond in response to EN of nearby atoms Bond Polarity and Inductive Effect

32  Electrostatic potential maps show calculated charge distributions  Colors indicate electron-rich (red) and electron-poor (blue) regions  Arrows indicate direction of bond polarity Electrostatic Potential Maps

33  Molecules as a whole are often polar from vector summation of individual bond polarities and lone-pair contributions  Strongly polar substances are soluble in polar solvents like water; nonpolar substances are insoluble in water.  Dipole moment (  ) - Net molecular polarity, due to difference in summed charges   - magnitude of charge Q at end of molecular dipole times distance r between charges   = Q  r, in debyes (D), 1 D = 3.336  10  30 coulomb meter  length of an average covalent bond, the dipole moment would be 1.60  10  29 C  m, or 4.80 D. 2.2 Polar Covalent Bonds: Dipole Moments

34  Large dipole moments  EN of O and N > H  Both O and N have lone-pair electrons oriented away from all nuclei Dipole Moments in Water and Ammonia

35  In symmetrical molecules, the dipole moments of each bond have one in the opposite direction  The effects of the local dipoles cancel each other Absence of Dipole Moments

36 Partial Charge vs. Formal Charge  Partial charge is a real value  Formal charge may or may not correspond to a real charge  Atoms with FC usually bear at least partial charge ( positive or negative)  FC helps us determine overall charge distribution and is useful for understanding reaction mechanisms  Neutral molecules with both a “+” and a “-” are dipolar 2.3 Formal Charges

37 How to Determine FC FC = [# of valence e - ] – [non-bonding e - ] – [shared e - /2]

38 How to Determine FC FC = [# of valence e - ] – [non-bonding e - ] – [shared e - /2]

39 How to Determine FC FC = [# of valence e - ] – [non-bonding e - ] – [shared e - /2]

40  Atomic sulfur has 6 valence electrons.  Dimethyl sulfoxide sulfur has only 5.  It has lost an electron and has positive charge.  Oxygen atom in DMSO has gained electron and has negative charge. Formal Charge for Dimethyl Sulfoxide

41 Formal Charges (Continued)

42  The terms “acid” and “base” can have different meanings in different contexts  For that reason, we specify the usage with more complete terminology  The idea that acids are solutions containing a lot of “H + ” and bases are solutions containing a lot of “OH - ” is not very useful in organic chemistry  Instead, Brønsted–Lowry theory defines acids and bases by their role in reactions that transfer protons (H + ) between donors and acceptors 2.7 Acids and Bases: The Brønsted–Lowry Definition

43  “Brønsted-Lowry” is usually shortened to “Brønsted”  A Brønsted acid is a substance that donates a hydrogen cation (H + )  A Brønsted base is a substance that accepts the H +  “proton” is a synonym for H + - loss of an electron from H leaving the bare nucleus—a proton Brønsted Acids and Bases

44  Hydronium ion, product when base H 2 O gains a proton  HCl donates a proton to water molecule, yielding hydronium ion (H 3 O + ) [conjugate acid] and Cl  [conjugate base]  The reverse is also a Brønsted acid–base reaction of the conjugate acid and conjugate base The Reaction of Acid with Base

45 Acidity/Basicity 0714 pH basicneutralacidic pH = -log[H + ] H+H+ OH -  The pH of solution determines form of carboxylic acid  Ex. Carboxylate ion predominates at pH 7.4 (physiological pH) Seager SL, Slabaugh MR, Chemistry for Today: General, Organic and Biochemistry, 7 th Edition, 2011

46 2.8 Acid and Base Strength  Strong acids/bases: Dissociate completely in water  Weak acids/bases: Dissociate incompletely in water  Strength of acid can be related to acid dissociation constant (K a )  Stronger acids have larger K a, lower p K a values.  K a ranges from 10 15 for the strongest acids to very small values (10 - 60 ) for the weakest [HB] undissociated acid [H 3 O + ], [B - ] dissociated acid components

47 pK a ’s of Some Common Acids

48  pK a = –log K a  The free energy in an equilibrium is related to –log of K eq (  G = –RT log K eq )  A smaller value of pK a indicates a stronger acid and is proportional to the energy difference between products and reactants  The pK a of water is 15.74 pK a – the Acid Strength Scale

49  pK a values are related as logarithms to equilibrium constants  Useful for predicting whether a given acid-base reaction will take place  The difference in two pK a values is the log of the ratio of equilibrium constants, and can be used to calculate the extent of transfer  The stronger base holds the proton more tightly 2.9 Predicting Acid–Base Reactions from pK a Values

50  Organic chemistry is 3-D space  Molecular shape is critical in determining the chemistry a compound undergoes in the lab, and in living organisms 2.12 Molecular Models

51  Build the following compounds with your molecular modeling kit and look at the geometry:  Hexane  2-methylhexane  Benzene  ethyne

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