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Identification of new feeding solutions, mainly by-products with feeding potential adequate for the beneficial change of meat quality; Determination of.

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Presentation on theme: "Identification of new feeding solutions, mainly by-products with feeding potential adequate for the beneficial change of meat quality; Determination of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Identification of new feeding solutions, mainly by-products with feeding potential adequate for the beneficial change of meat quality; Determination of the detailed feeding value; Inclusion of the identified feed resources in animal diets in amounts that allow the best yields; Development of optimal feed formulations correlated with the expected performance; Scientific, accurate feeding of the animals, with positive impact on animal quantitative and qualitative performance.

3 Interrelations between nutrients and animal welfare - health. Feeding stress – implications on the health – welfare state. Feeding strategies to reduce the oxidative stress, as potential instruments to improve meat quality Protein – critical factor in ensuring the immune status of the piglets during the weaning crisis; solutions to alleviate the weaning stress in piglets Influence of the protein level on the broiler leg problems Solutions to improve the digestive and metabolic use of the nutrients (use of feed additives);

4 Mihaela HĂBEANU, Ioan SURDU, Anca GHEORGHE, Nicoleta LEFTER, Aurel Florentin BADIU “Study on the standards, directives and minimal compulsory requirements for animal welfare and for the utilization of the bioproductive potential of the farm animals”

5  Important factors which control the feeding, sensorial and organoleptic qualities of the meat. Essential factors which determine whether the met is accepted or not by the consumers. The biological value of the lipids is given by the presence of the polyunsaturated fatty acids that must be provided via feeding. The lack of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids causes metabolic disorders  New feeding solutions (flax, Camelina, grape pomace, etc. )  Lipid metabolism Lipids – elements that influence animal feeding.

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