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VOCABULARY Call my Bluff Chapters 1-5. BEACONED 1.A hand gesture 2.a signaling or guiding device 3.Contained liquid.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY Call my Bluff Chapters 1-5. BEACONED 1.A hand gesture 2.a signaling or guiding device 3.Contained liquid."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY Call my Bluff Chapters 1-5

2 BEACONED 1.A hand gesture 2.a signaling or guiding device 3.Contained liquid

3 AUSTERE 1.Severe or stern disposition or appearance 2.Extremely hard surface 3.Pertaining to the author, Jane Austen

4 EMULOUSLY 1.Eagerly or ambitious to equal or do better 2.Without effort or interest 3.With boredom

5 COQUETRY 1.A type of needlecraft 2.Flirtation 3.A style of cooking

6 SORDID 1.Hard to understand 2.Beautiful and enchanting 3.Filthy or dirty; foul

7 APOCRYPHAL — of questionable authorship or authenticity

8 Relish 1.An appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking 2.A long cuddle; to cuddle for a long time 3.Something close to your heart; to hold something close to your heart

9 Holograph 1.A hallucination 2.A document written in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears it 3.A document that includes a graph

10 Offended 1.To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feeling 2.To feel unhappy and put upon 3.To be kept out in the cold

11 Geniality 1.Connected to a person’s genetisc 2.Being of upper class 3.Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner

12 Protégé 1.One whose welfare, training, or career is promoted by an influential person 2.One whose career is made through crime 3.A French actor

13 Labyrinth 1.An extremely complicated problem 2.An intricate structure or interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one’s way 3.A type of wild cat that can only be found in India

14 Inordinate 1.Exceeding reasonable limits; a large amount 2.A map co-ordinate 3.Being ignorant of good manners

15 Disquietude 1.Worried unease; anxiety 2.Noise; disruption 3.Unnecessary rudeness

16 Troglodytic 1.A person considered to be mentally ill 2.A person considered to be extremely ugly 3.A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date

17 Iniquity 1.Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness 2.Huge debt 3.Great beauty

18 Fortnight 1.A period of 10 days 2.A period of 14 days; two weeks 3.A period of three weeks

19 Unobtrusive 1.Not at all rude 2.not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous 3.Not understanding what is going on

20 Pedant 1.One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules 2.One who wears too much jewelry 3.One who accuses others of wrong-doing

21 Abominable 1.Unusual; strange 2.Extremely cold 3.Detestable; loathsome

22 Irrepressible 1.Uncontrollable 2.Irresponsible 3.Immeasurable

23 Musing 1.To be absorbed in one’s thoughts; engage in meditation 2.To think outside the box 3.To hum quietly

24 Accosted 1.To accompany someone 2.To approach and speak boldly or aggressively 3.To kick someone hard

25 Insensate 1.Unaware of what is going on 2.Working within the government 3.Lacking sensation or awareness; inanimate

26 Disinterred 1.To dig up or remove from a grave or tomb, to bring public notice 2.To disturb someone in the middle of sleeping 3.To have no interest in the topic

27 Anatomical 1.Concerned with animals 2.Concerned with dissection 3.Concerned with Geography

28 Ruminated 1.To turn a matter over and over in the mind 2.To marinate a meat in fragrant spices 3.To work out a mathematical problem

29 Oration 1.A scolding/telling off 2.A statue created in wood 3.A formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion

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