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PNAMP Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring Management Question: Are the Primary Habitat Factors Limiting the Status of the Salmon and Steelhead Populations.

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Presentation on theme: "PNAMP Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring Management Question: Are the Primary Habitat Factors Limiting the Status of the Salmon and Steelhead Populations."— Presentation transcript:

1 PNAMP Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring Management Question: Are the Primary Habitat Factors Limiting the Status of the Salmon and Steelhead Populations Increasing or Decreasing? Project Goal: Develop a Coordinated Habitat Monitoring Program that Addresses Key Regional (Priority) Monitoring Questions and Develop Study Designs of Sufficient Quality and Quantity to Determine the Status of LCR Habitat Conditions. Note: Statement doesn’t refer to fish performance…separate process? Coordination required.

2 PNAMP Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring 5 –Objectives: 1.Document and prioritize habitat monitoring goals, objectives, and habitat indicators for management agencies in the LCR. 2.Determine the adequacy of existing monitoring programs to meet priority habitat monitoring goals and potential for reducing gaps by improving monitoring program coordination, data sharing, and data translation. 3.Describe possible monitoring designs, sampling frames, protocols, and analytical tools to meet needs of priorities identified in Objective 1 and refined in Objective 2. 4.Habitat monitoring recommendations for the LCR based on regional priorities established in Objective 1, cost-effectiveness, and a range of budgets. 5.Develop process for monitoring implementation, data management, reporting mechanisms, and adaptive management of monitoring.

3 Conceptual Framework …the array of local instream conditions found within fluvial systems are created and constrained by predictable hydrologic and geomorphic processes… …these processes operate hierarchically….....large scale processes constrain the expression of processes at smaller scales… …riverine systems can be divided into discrete scales that reflect the relationship between hydrologic and geomorphic processes and local river features… …local river features determine biological assemblage… (Hughes et al., 2006)

4 Conceptual Framework Determines: Worldview (WQ, Resource Management, Fish Centric) Terminology Meaningful Spatial Units- (Watershed, Catchment, Valley Segment, Network, Reach etc.) Measurements and Metrics taken over space and time Appropriate Analysis Tools (GIS, Satellite, Survey Crews) Accuracy and repeatability of analysis Ability to pool monitoring resources (cost effectiveness) Knowledge of linkages between metrics, stream conditions, Fish Performance Ability and Time required to detect change Organization of data, analysis and presentation

5 Lower Columbia River Data NPPC Framework- EDT Habitat Database 1.Worldview- Fish Centric 2.Metrics – In or Near-Channel 3.Methods- Measured, Opinion, Inferred 4.Scale- Reach (Tributary to Tributary) 5.Temporal- Point Estimate 6.Repeatability- Varies by stream

6 PNAMP Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring Are the Primary Habitat Factors Limiting the Status of the Salmon and Steelhead Populations Increasing or Decreasing? So What Are These? LCSRP- Limiting Factors (In-Channel) 1. Passage Obstructions2. Stream Flow 3. Water quality 4. Habitat/Complexity 5. Substrate and Sediment 6. Large Woody Debris 7. Channel Stability8. Riparian Function 9. Floodplain Function Threats (Landscape) Habitat threats are the human ‐ derived activities that have created and/or are perpetuating the habitat limiting factors 1. Water Withdrawals2. Barriers 3. Forest Practices4. Agriculture/Grazing 5. Urban and Rural Development6. Mining 7. Channel Manipulations8. Recreation



9 Does M&E Need to Account for All Limiting Factors? 64 Limiting Factors –Passage (6) –Stream flow Metrics(8) –Water quality(6) –Habitat Diversity(8) –Substrate Sediment(6) –Woody Debris(6) –Channel Stability(7) –Riparian (10) –Floodplain(7)

10 M&E Approach For Each Limiting Factor Channel Stability Debris flows, Landslides, other? Bank failures, Bed Scour, Channel down ‐ cutting (incision), Monitor Model/Predict Redd Displacement/Smothering Fish Survival Monitor Fish Survival In-Channel Ignore Landscape Both?

11 NPPC Ideal Approach Level 1 –Landscape Level 2- Channel Level 3- Fish Performance

12 Level 2 Environmental Models Opinion Level 1- Landscape Metrics Level 2 Environmental Opinion In-Channel (Metrics) Models Level 3 Fish Performance Models Expert-EDT Statistical In-Channel (Metrics)

13 Level 2- Environmental (Metrics)Level 3- Fish Survival NPPC Implemented (EDT)

14 Example Framework Hierarchy 1.Landscape- Areas that have indirect connections with the river channel through contribution of surface water and groundwater, sediments and other materials (catchment area beyond the floodplain and riparian zone) 2. Floodplain- Areas within the floodplain and riparian zone 3. Stream Channel- Areas at or below bank-full conditions Scale(s) Select based on limiting factor or threat being addressed Metrics Identify for each limiting factor

15 NPPC Framework Level 1- Landscape Forest Practices Urban/Rural Agriculture/Grazing Mining Geology Climate Groundwater Level 2- Environmental  Flow Variation (High, Low, Diel, variability)  Hydrologic Regime (Natural Regulated)  Channel Morphology (Max, Min, Length)  Confinement (Natural, Hydro)  Habitat Types (Pool, Riffle, Glide, Beaver Ponds)  Obstructions (dams, culverts)  Riparian (Function, LWD)  Channel (Bed Scour)  Sediment Type (Embeddedness)  Water Chemistry (Metals, Nutrients, DO, ALK)  Temperature Variation (Min, Max, Temp Spatial)  Community Effects (Predation, Hatchery, Carcasses) Level 3- Fish Survival Channel Stability Chemicals Competition Comp Hatchery Flow Food Habitat Diversity Harassment Obstructions Oxygen Pathogens Predation Sediment Load Temperature Withdrawals


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