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WELCOMEWELCOME AutumnTerm 2014 Curriculum Information Sharing.

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1 WELCOMEWELCOME AutumnTerm 2014 Curriculum Information Sharing


3 Example of term’s timetable 8.50 – 9.10 9.10 – 10.30 10.45 – 12 1 – 2 2.10 – 3.15 MONDAY AM ACTIVITIES / REGISTER A C T I V A T E A C T I V A T E MATHS WS ASSEMBLY B R E A K B R E A K LITERACY (Introduce this week’s spelling pattern) GR L U N C H L U N C H GAMES MUSIC TUESDAY MATHS CLASS ASSEMBLY / REVD. BROAD LITERACY GR Handwriting * * WEDNESDAY MATHS SINGING LITERACY (Spelling pattern) GR Handwriting * * THURSDAY MATHS (mental maths) KS ASSEMBLY LITERACY GR GYMNASTICS / DANCE Handwriting FRENCH 2.30 – 3.10 FRIDAY MATHS (times tables) CELEB. ASSEMBLY LITERACY GR * *

4 Tables New curriculum states that children should know their tables and associated division facts up to 12x12 by year 4! Big push on tables – Weekly tables test on all tables Children have an individual focus table.

5 Topic theme and links to other subjects History/Geography –Where did my lunch come from? / Join Our Tribe (Iron, Stone and Bronze Age) Science – Animals, including Humans, Nutrition / Changing State of Matter Art – Still Life – Paul Cezanne / Chalk, pastels and mixed media workshop day RE – Diwali (Good and Evil) / Christianity and Hinduism (Candlelight as a symbol) PE/Games - Dance/Gymnastics/Football/Netball PDL – Settling In and Feeling Good / Focus on Feelings Computing – Movie Maker / We Are Communicators

6 Literacy focus Issue and Dilemmas / Persuasive writing Information booklets – where does food come from? Fables and folk tales Explanation texts Diary entries Grammar Spelling - Oral poetry

7 Maths focus Addition/Subtraction / Application of skills Measures conversion / comparing measures Angles Comparing and classifying shapes Number /Place value/Problem solving Multiplication/Division Fractions, decimals and percentages Statistics Properties of shapes Position and direction (coordinates)

8 School Developments New Curriculum Learning Skills Spelling Maths – Rich tasks

9 NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programmes of study. The new National Curriculum identifies what to teach but not how to teach. The new National Curriculum does not have levels of attainment, but expectations at each banding.

10 NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS ‘Literacy’ title has been replaced by ‘English’. No PSHE or RE contained within the Curriculum 2014 (but still to be taught). Act of daily worship expected.

11 NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE English, Maths and Science are the building blocks of education –improving our performance in these subjects will be essential. In Maths there will be greater rigour. There will be a greater emphasis on arithmetic, and the promotion of efficient written methods of long multiplication and division. There will also be more demanding content in fractions, decimals and percentages. In Science there is a stronger focus on the importance of scientific knowledge and language and a greater emphasis on the core scientific concepts underpinning pupils’ understanding. For the first time primary aged children will learn about evolution and inheritance.

12 NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE The proposed English programmes of study will embody higher standards of literacy. Pupils will be expected to develop a stronger command of the written and spoken word. Through the strengthening of the teaching of phonics pupils will be helped to read fluently. The study of languages is compulsory in Key Stage 2. Replace the current ICT curriculum with a new computing curriculum with a much greater emphasis on computational thinking and practical programming skills.

13 NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE It is essential to distinguish between the statutory National Curriculum and the whole school curriculum. All schools must provide a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils. Academies and Free Schools have the freedom to depart from the National Curriculum. All schools must teach religious education at all key stages and secondary schools must provide sex education. In other subjects and key stages we are aiming to give teachers more space and flexibility to design their lessons by focusing only on the essential knowledge to be taught in each subject.

14 Introduction of new curriculum means that Yr 3/4 have specific spelling patterns that they must know. As a result we have decided to keep the children together as a class, cover the same spelling pattern but differentiate the words given. Lists will also include key words from the Yr 3/4 list. Will still have a spelling test at present, on a Monday morning, as a class. When necessary children will revise Yr 2 patterns and lists.

15 How parents can support Note to Parents: Each week the children will be expected to: Practise and learn spellings Read each night Complete a Literacy task Practise and learn tables Complete a Maths task Parents’ role: Let us know if they struggled with any of the tasks Indicate if they spent the time on the task but couldn’t complete it Let us know if there is a genuine reason why the homework was not completed Support and encourage, but avoid ‘doing’ the homework! Access to the internet: the children can use the pcs at school any break time if they are having problems gaining access to the internet at home. Help Your Child Get Organized Encourage Good Study Habits Talk about the Assignments Watch for Frustration Give Praise

16 M Spelling Test New spellings given Reading 15mins a day recorded in Reading Record (use space sparingly!) T W Literacy and Numeracy handed in Th F Literacy and Numeracy Given out Tables test

17 Informal ‘open door’ sessions to come and look at children’s work after school. Targets sent out half termly showing level child currently working TOWARDS with highlighted focus targets Parent consultations used termly to discuss targets. 1 report sent home in the summer term.

18 Old targets have been reviewed and assessed. New targets coming home next week. Plastic wallet to come back into school.

19 Assessment for Learning AfL Assessment which involves children Informative marking which identifies children’s clear next steps Small, manageable targets that can be achieved HIT/School systems

20 Questions? Thank you for attending

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