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1 Workshop on Respiratory Protection Curriculum for Occupational Health Nursing Programs NPPTL Perspective Maryann D’Alessandro, Ph.D. Associate Director.

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1 1 Workshop on Respiratory Protection Curriculum for Occupational Health Nursing Programs NPPTL Perspective Maryann D’Alessandro, Ph.D. Associate Director for Science, NPPTL PPT Program Coordinator March 30, 2011

2 2 An estimated 20 million workers use PPE on a regular basis to protect themselves from job hazards. NIOSH PPT / NPPTL Vision & Mission The VISION is to be the leading provider of quality, relevant, and timely PPT research, training, and evaluation. The MISSION of the PPT program is to prevent work-related injury, illness and death by advancing the state of knowledge and application of personal protective technologies (PPT).

3 3 PPT Program Goals

4 PPT Program Management PPT Program Management Policy & Standards Development NPPTL & PPT Program Activities Surveillance, Communication & Scientific Support Administrative Support Scientific Excellence Focus Technology Evaluation Technology Research  Respirator Certification Program  Quality Audit Program  Certified Product Investigations  Firefighter SCBA Investigations  Long-term Field Evaluation  Enhancements to 42 CFR Part 84  Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Respirator Standards Development  Guidance Document Development  Respiratory Protection  Protective Clothing & Ensembles  Integration of Sensors & Electronics  Human Performance  Fall Protection  Hearing Protection  Surveillance  Scientific Evaluations  Program Evaluations  Outreach

5 5 Some activities NPPTL conducts to reduce potential inhalation hazards in workers who rely on respirators  Training CDC EIS officers  Deliver respiratory protection content through training programs and webinars  Outreach and training for Public Safety Sector  Outreach and training to Healthcare community  Outreach and training to ERCs

6 6 IOM Recommendations related to task  Commit to worker safety and use of PPE Effective interventions Culture of safety

7 7 Using PPE: Individual and Organizational Issues from IOM HCW Report, 2011 The committee recommends a four-pronged strategy for immediate implementation of PPE use in health care: 1.deliberate planning and preparation at the leadership and organizational levels; 2.comprehensive training, including supervisors and managers; 3.widespread and convenient availability of appropriate PPE devices; and 4.accountability at all levels of the organization.

8 8 What essential content should be incorporated in occupational nursing education and training programs to produce professionals who are fully aware and knowledgeable of respiratory protection technologies?

9 9 Improving the safety culture begins with education  Identify best practices in the ERC curricula relevant to respirators  Provide recommendations to improve training  Focus on training regarding the selection, use, care and maintenance of respirators

10 10 How does NIOSH intend to use the letter report?  Develop standard respiratory protection essential content  Provide recommendations for essential content to curriculum developers  Identify strategies to translate to workplace  Determine approaches to incorporate information into workplace training program  Identify methods to deliver content

11 11 How should content be delivered?  In-service programs  Webinars  Training packages  You tube videos  Presentations  Hands-on training  Other?

12 12 Quality Partnerships Enhance Worker Safety & Health Thank you Visit Us at: Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this presentation have not been formally disseminated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

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