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Health System Decentralization the Case of Ethiopia

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1 Health System Decentralization the Case of Ethiopia
Kenya National Health Leadership Management and Governance Conference Nejmudin Kedir Bilal, P. Health Economist, AfDB January 29, 2013

2 Outline Background How was decentralization conducted?
Why decentralization in Ethiopian health system? Key health systems aspects of decentralization Lessons learnt

3 Background A coalition of rebel forces under the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front defeated the socialist government of Mengistu Haile Mariam in May 1991 Ethiopia’s first popularly chosen national parliament and regional legislatures were convened in May and June 1995 The current government of Ethiopia was established in August of 1995 Since then the government has promoted a policy of ethnic federalism, devolving significant powers to subnational authorities.

4 The process of Decentralization
Part of broader government decentralization Phased approach 1996 to Regional States 2002 to Woredas (and Zones) Not one size fits all approach Some with strong zones Some with lessor role for zones Some with no zones 9 regional state governments, 2 city adminis Zones, More than 850 districts 15,000 Kebeles

5 Health Systems Decentralization was one of the key reforms triggered by multiple challenges
High burden of disease of preventable causes Poor access and quality of health care Centralized Low level of financing Shortage and poorly motivated health workers Biased towards curative care Poor governance of health institutions Decentralization Health service Delivery reform Health Planning & HIS reforms Governance and Financing Reform Pharmaceuticals reform

6 Health System Decentralization
4 tier health system organization PHCU (health center + 5 health posts) (25,000) District hospital (250,000) Zonal hospital (1 million) Specialized hospital (5 million people) Health Extension Programme 2003/2004 Specialized Hospital(5 million) General Hospital (1million) Rural Hospital ( ) PHC unit=1HC+5 Satellite HP (25 million)

7 Roles of different levels of the health system was defined
MOH –policy direction, setting standards and resource mobilization RHBs, ZHDs and WorHOs set health priorities, deliver services, and determine budget allocations WorHOs manage personnel issues, health facility reconstruction, and procurement at PHCU Regions and woredas get block grants Potential advantages decentralization Decisions made locally are based on better information Faster decisions Greater accountability

8 Health Human resources management was one of the key decentralized functions
Major universities under MoEducation Regional collages midlevel and low level health workers RHBs, ZHDs and WorHOs can hire and fire WorHOs are charged with HCs and HPs Challenge: inter regional transfer

9 Health Planning Challenges in early phase of decentralization
Global and national commitments vs decentralized decision Challenge of getting priorities across Multiple plan documents Historical budgeting not relevant to the local contexts

10 The “One plan” initiative
Priorities are set every 5 years and every year The main Principe is ensuring vertical and horizontal linkage of priorities and targets Led by government via steering committees at all levels Combination of top down and bottom up process Sharing and consulting with stakeholders Endorsing the strategic and annual plans at joint sector meeting Joint monitoring on annual basis

11 Centralized and fragmented information system required reform
Data collection Too much data items 400 at HCs, 500 at WorHo. Irrelevant Reporting problems Incomplete, Untimely Redundancy, parallel= administrative burden Data analysis Not done at point of collection Uncoordinated initiatives Poor institutionalization

12 Key principles were set to reform and decentralize health information system
Standardize Indicators & definitions Disease list for reporting & case definitions Client / patient flow & data elements Recording & Reporting forms Procedure manual Information use guidelines 2. Simplify Reduce data burden Streamline data management procedures 3. Integrate Data channel Client / patient information at facility (integrated folder) 4. Institutionalize

13 Not only collection but use information at all levels
FMOH Quarterly Compiled and used RHB Monthly Weekly Quarterly WoHO Monthly Weekly Compiled and used/reported HF Quarterly Compiled and used/reported Monthly Weekly Service delivery report

14 Health Service challenges: Preventable health problems as major causes of morbidity and mortality (60%-80%) Only 1% of households had ITNs (<18% insecticide treated) Only 40% of the population within 10 KM of health institution Poor utilization = 30% Children < 6 months, exclusively breastfed: 32% Children with diarrhea given ORT: 37% Delivery attended: 6% Children with fever/cough brought to a health facility: 17% Low immunization coverage Due to Limited knowledge of optimal care practices at the family level Limited physical access to health services in rural communities Poor institutionalization of PHC

15 HEP: Innovative approach to deliver Preventive and Promotive Health Services
Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation Disease Prevention and Control HEP MNCH Health Education

16 HEWs assigned back to the village, train and graduate households
HEP: Process & Roles defined for Training, Deployment & Support on Implementation 2 trainees per village recruited by local government and community MOH and MOE collaborate to provide a 1 year training Community builds health post as a hub of operation for HEWs Local government pays salary HEWs assigned back to the village, train and graduate households Village council involves the HEWs and provides leadership Supervisors assigned 1 HC/5 HPs for technical and logistic support FMOH and DPs provide equipment and supplies Customized HMIS to track progress

17 Capacity building: Accelerated scaling up of HRH and infrastructure to support HEP

18 Decentralized Governance and Health Care Financing Reform-Five Components
Health facility governing boards HFs user fee revenue retention and utilization. Systematizing the fee waiver system and exemption scheme Outsourcing of non-clinical services. Establishment of private Clinics/wings in public hospitals

19 Key Lessons Part of broader government decentralization
Sequencing decentralization makes it more effective Continuous and demand based capacity building Some things are better kept at higher levels Devolution does not mean no accountability! Be ware of interrupting ongoing programmes

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