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July 2009. NOYES 1. Does your Council have active Membership Committees? Grand Knight needs to establish his Membership Committee immediately. Appoint.

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Presentation on theme: "July 2009. NOYES 1. Does your Council have active Membership Committees? Grand Knight needs to establish his Membership Committee immediately. Appoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 2009

2 NOYES 1. Does your Council have active Membership Committees? Grand Knight needs to establish his Membership Committee immediately. Appoint Membership Director and establish committees as described in “Surge … With Service.” Grand Knight needs to establish his Membership Committee immediately. Appoint Membership Director and establish committees as described in “Surge … With Service.” Evaluate the effectiveness of existing membership committees. Make changes and appointments as necessary. Proceed to next question Evaluate the effectiveness of existing membership committees. Make changes and appointments as necessary. Proceed to next question Member Recruitment…

3 NOYES 2. Is the potential candidate a practical Catholic? If the man is, or was, Catholic, work on bringing the man back into the fold. If Non-Catholic, is the candidate interested in conversion to Catholicism? If the man is, or was, Catholic, work on bringing the man back into the fold. If Non-Catholic, is the candidate interested in conversion to Catholicism? Proceed to next question Member Recruitment…

4 NOYES 3. Was potential candidate previously a member of the Knights? Attempt to understand why the man left the Order, and work to resolve what may be the cause. When appropriate, invite the man and his family to attend council events, or an Open House, and introduce them to others. Attempt to understand why the man left the Order, and work to resolve what may be the cause. When appropriate, invite the man and his family to attend council events, or an Open House, and introduce them to others. Proceed to next question Member Recruitment…

5 NOYES 4. Has the potential candidate ever been invited to join? Explain the benefits of membership and personally invite the man to join the Order. Invite the man and his family to attend council events and introduce them to others. Schedule an Open House and invite potential members and their families. Explain the benefits of membership and personally invite the man to join the Order. Invite the man and his family to attend council events and introduce them to others. Schedule an Open House and invite potential members and their families. Proceed to next question Member Recruitment…

6 NOYES 5. Has the candidate indicated that he is interested? Attempt to find out why the candidate is not interested. Possible reasons may be: 1.Other obligations - Very busy 2.Concerns about unknown 3.“Not a Joiner” 4.Misinformation about the Knights Attempt to find out why the candidate is not interested. Possible reasons may be: 1.Other obligations - Very busy 2.Concerns about unknown 3.“Not a Joiner” 4.Misinformation about the Knights Proceed to next slide Member Recruitment…

7 NOYES 6. Does the council have active recruitment committee? Go back to Slide 1 Give the candidate’s contact info to your Grand Knight, the Membership Director, or a member of the Recruitment Team Committee. Member Recruitment…

8 NOYES 7. Did you recruit a new member? Sorry, you gave it your best! Keep trying. Sorry, you gave it your best! Keep trying. GREAT! Thanks! As his sponsor be certain to accompany your candidate to his 1 st Degree Remind your new brother Knight about upcoming council meetings and events Help him advance and grow in the Order GREAT! Thanks! As his sponsor be certain to accompany your candidate to his 1 st Degree Remind your new brother Knight about upcoming council meetings and events Help him advance and grow in the Order Member Recruitment…

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