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RECRUITMENT AND ENROLLMENT 1 Board of Trustees Appalachian State University March 30, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "RECRUITMENT AND ENROLLMENT 1 Board of Trustees Appalachian State University March 30, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECRUITMENT AND ENROLLMENT 1 Board of Trustees Appalachian State University March 30, 2007

2  The Need: 11,000 teachers annually  The Supply: 4,000 new teachers annually  The Attrition: 13% per year  The Supply keeps approximate pace with new student growth in the state.  The Supply does not address the attrition.  Filling the gap: out-of-state teachers, returning teachers, alternative licensure 2

3  Lower standards for teacher preparation  Increase class sizes  Curtail the curriculum  Lower the age for leaving school  Rely on substitutes and unprepared teachers 3

4  PRODUCE MORE TEACHERS  REDUCE TEACHER ATTRITION RATES* --BETTER WORKING CONDITIONS --BETTER PAY --MORE RESPECT AND SUPPORT *a.05% improvement in annual retention rate in five years would reduce the gap by over 3,000 teachers. 4

5  Set institutional enrollment & graduation targets;  Hold institutional leadership accountable;  Develop institution specific recruitment plans;  Develop UNC system-wide recruitment plan;  Secure funding from the General Assembly; 5

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7 7 InstitutionGrads/02-032005-062006-072007-082008-092009-10 ASU372451547635662659 Projected Increase in Traditional Teacher Education Graduates for 2005-2006 through 2009-2010

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14  Traditional high school students seeking a four year experience  Traditional high school students seeking 2 year degrees with options for 4 year ones—full and part- time students  Transfer students from community colleges and 4 year institutions  Alternative licensure/lateral entry/career changes  Current enrolled non-education majors 14

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16 ASU TEACHER EDUCATION ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS 2004-2009 Student Sources2004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-2010 Traditional students 446422461546*634*688* Transfers from CC290303263271279287 Transfers from 4 year150109120124128134 Currently enrolled non-majorsNA 42250 Alternative Licensure966165707982 2+2 CC students63142 150178205 TOTALS1,0451,0371,0511,1651,3201,446 *Includes spring admits who were wait listed in fall but guaranteed seats in spring. 16

17 Implement 10 new/revised strategies to include the following:  Hiring Director of Teacher Education Recruitment;  Improving campus data collection & analysis;  Focusing recruitment on specific market segments 17

18  Improving communications with potential students;  Increasing the yield from existing pool of applicants;  Expanding off-campus cohort programs;  Focusing on improving recruitment into and retention to high need areas: math, science, special education, foreign languages;  Improving diversity for the enrolled population;  Stressing retention practices with program areas  Seeking additional financial incentives 18


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