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Vorstand Stockholm, September 1st 2011 Sören Niemann-Findeisen Director Strategic Organizing Projects IG Metall: Restructuring for Change - Organizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Vorstand Stockholm, September 1st 2011 Sören Niemann-Findeisen Director Strategic Organizing Projects IG Metall: Restructuring for Change - Organizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vorstand Stockholm, September 1st 2011 Sören Niemann-Findeisen Director Strategic Organizing Projects IG Metall: Restructuring for Change - Organizing and Recruitment -

2 Vorstand 2 1960s to 1980s Campaigns and conflicts to better the living and working conditions from the 60s to the early 80s Successful as countervailing power

3 Vorstand 3 Defensive struggles since mid 80s On the defense: Roll-back sets in Structural Change and Neo-Liberalism

4 Vorstand 4 Today Unions on the retreat: Density dwindling, collective bargaining coverage diminishing The old consensus of „Corporate Germany“ (Deutschland AG) has broken down Since more than 20 years we are focussed on defensive struggles: A lot has been achieved politically and on the material side, but we couldn‘t stop diminishing relevance Fewer companies with works councils and collective agreement each year Our organisation is aligned to service a shrinking number of union structures inside companies Organizing and recruitment is out of focus

5 Vorstand 5 Focus on building organisational power Restructuring IG Metall to be closer to the members and be more participation oriented Build in a new dimension of our policy to become an organizing and recruiting union: Fostering service (political support for activists and member services) as well as organizing and recruiting No new structure but adjusting our structures to become better performing and more efficient, mainly by clear responsibilities on the different levels of the organisation A slimmer and more efficient structure at the headquarter to free resources for direct means Guiding line for resposibilities: from bottom to top Firstly: the task to organize is due to the local union Secondly: locals and districts are supported by the districts and the headquarter to fulfill this task with analysis of potencial/research and education Thirdly: In challenging cases (employer hostility for instance) districts or the headquarter can take over direct resposibilities. This is always done in consultation with the local union Restructuring for Change More activities on organizing and recruitment: campaigns/projects New Strategic Investment Fund that builds up to 20 Mio. annually

6 Vorstand 6 Restructuring for Change Restructure headquarter- Resposibilities and- tasks of the different levels New Resource architecture structures & instruments Quality work in the- locals/branches Development of- political service for- corporations New instruments for service and for organizing/recruit. Strengthening activists/lay officials Development of- trade union- education Development- member support- in statutes Internationalisation- of union work- enhancing internal work structures- Union management- and staff development- March 2010: End 2010/ Early 2011: Weitere wichtige Themen-

7 Vorstand 7 Focus Organisational Strength of Strategic Investment Fund Priorities of organizing and recruitment 1.Growing and future industries (renwables, e-mobility) 2.Special target groups (youth, professional engineers) 3.Changing value chain (contract/agency work, production service) 4.Organisational strength and collective bargaining (large corporations, ability for strike action, new works councils) Our 7 districts are in the process of developing their regional strategy along these priorities set by the executive

8 Vorstand 8 Implementing Organizing/Recruitment: Large central or regional projects Wind turbine manufacturing Centrally run, 11 organizers plus 1 lead and 1 project director, direct deployment in locals, executive departments, districts and locals remain politically responsible, project does work on the shop floor and builds strategy for industry Most comprehensive organizing approach Growing industrial clusters in South-Saxony Project of three locals co-ordinated by district, team of 4, aim of new works councils, base building, membership growth Working closely with servicing officers to integrate new companies and activists in a sustainable way Solar industry (spring 2012) Projects in three industrial clusters, 6 organizers/officers, support of locals, districts, co- ordination and PR/lobbying by executive Collective bargaining and lobbying of particular relevance

9 Vorstand 9 Implementing Organizing/Recruitment: Supporting locals, building up competencies Regular organizing network and coaching meetings Only for locals with active small scale projects, focus to enable direct exchange of practitioners, qualification, case-related mutual consulting, 30 of 164 locals participating, 3-4 times a year for 1,5 days plus conferences, main aim to work on the decisive points of a bottom up campaign on the shop floor Qualification scheme for officers Modules on organizing methods (basic and advanced), whole program consists of 9 days of training, more than 200 participants so far Qualifying trainees (junior officers) Course of 8 days on founding new works councils and organizing methods Qualifying activists introductory courses for shop stewards on methods

10 Vorstand 10 Thank you for your attention!

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