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TURN OFF YOUR PHONE; OFF, NOT SILENT 2011-2012 NCAA Compliance Meeting West Chester University.

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Presentation on theme: "TURN OFF YOUR PHONE; OFF, NOT SILENT 2011-2012 NCAA Compliance Meeting West Chester University."— Presentation transcript:

1 TURN OFF YOUR PHONE; OFF, NOT SILENT 2011-2012 NCAA Compliance Meeting West Chester University

2  Director of Athletics  Dr. Edward M. Matejkovic  Associate Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations  Terry Beattie  Assistant Director of Athletics for Student Services, Compliance, and Academics  Kellianne Milliner  Sports Information Director  James Zuhlke  Director of Athletic Development  Kris Graves  Faculty Athletic Representative  Dr. Craig Stevens

3  West Chester Athletics Varsity Player Info.  NCAA Drug Testing Consent Form  NCAA Student-Athlete Statement  NCAA Rules and Regulations  WCU Student-Athlete Handbook

4  Fill In Form Completely  Press hard so it goes through to the second page  Outside Money is any scholarship or grant from an outside source  i.e., Elks Club award, high school award

5  There are Six Parts that Make Up the Student- Athlete Statement  Completion of Form is Required to Participate in Collegiate Athletics  Print Name Halfway Down First Page

6  Part 1: Statement Concerning Eligibility  Certify you have not violated NCAA rules  Meet NCAA regulations regarding eligibility, recruitment, financial aid, amateur status  Aware of NCAA drug-testing program  Signing this form falsely or erroneously is violation of NCAA ethical conduct rules  Fill in blanks and sign name

7  Part 2: Buckley Amendment Consent  Signing gives consent to disclose data to WCU, PSAC, and NCAA  Results of NCAA and non-NCAA drug tests  Test scores and transcripts  Demographic information (race, gender)  Information pertaining to NCAA eligibility and financial aid

8  Part 2: Buckley Amendment Consent  Information used for NCAA research  NCAA will never identify student by name  Fill in blanks and sign name

9  Part 3: Promotions Permission  Authorize NCAA or a third party acting on behalf of NCAA to use your name or picture to promote NCAA events, activities, or programs  Fill in blanks and sign name

10  Part 4: Results of Drug Tests  Complete section 1.  Section 2 A= no positive drug test  Section 2 B= positive drug test previously  Fill in blanks and sign name

11  Part 5: Affirmation of Amateurism  Signing affirms that you have not violated any amateurism rules since requesting a final verification from the EC or since signing last year’s forms.  Fill in blanks and sign name

12  Part 6: Valid Test Score  FRESHMEN ONLY  Signing affirms that to the best of your knowledge you have received a validated ACT or SAT score  After today, you must notify Director of Athletics if informed otherwise  Fill in blanks and sign name

13  Discussed During VideoVideo  Signing Affirms Agreement to Terms of NCAA Drug Testing Program  Signing Acknowledges That You Understand and Agree to Testing Rules and Violation Policies  Please write LAST name at top right corner  Positive Test = 365-Day Suspension

14  1 st positive = 365-day suspension (and loss of at least one season of competition)  Suspended one calendar year  Not season or semester – entire year  2 nd positive = loss of remaining eligibility  Missed test = positive result (365-day ban)  Ask sports medicine if questions about supplements or medications  Positive result in non-NCAA test must be reported to AD and will lead to more tests

15  Attachment in Drug Form in Packet  S-A Responsible to Know Substances Listed  List May Be Updated During Year  See Sports Medicine Staff With Any Questions  If you are currently taking any of these substances, you must inform your trainer and compliance coordinator

16  By signing the Authorization for disclosure of health information, you allow the NCAA to view health and injury information for research or other purposes.  By signing the photo release form, you allow WCU to use your photo on the website or other athletic publications.

17  Ethical Conduct  Honesty and sportsmanship-represent WCU at all times  Gambling  Not allowed to provide information to gamblers  Not allowed to bet on intercollegiate OR pro sports  Stay away from basketball and football pools!  No fantasy leagues where money is involved!

18  Amateurism  You must maintain amateur status  Cannot take pay or the promise of pay  Agreed (orally or in writing) to compete professionally  Must be paid the going rate for any work performed  Seasons of Competition  If you did not enroll in college as a full-time student in the term that begins ONE year AFTER high school graduation, you use a season if you participate in organized competition after that year is up  Financial Aid  Cannot receive aid outside of institutional aid except:  Parents/guardians  Outside scholarships not related to athletics  You must report any aid that you receive outside of the institution (loans, grants, scholarships). This is done on the varsity player information form.

19  Academic Standards  Eligible to Compete  Regularly enrolled and in good academic standing  Not dropped by the university  Deemed eligible per NCAA requirements  Enrolled full-time (12 credits)  Eligible to Practice  Enrolled full-time (12 credits)  Qualifier or partial qualifier

20  Continuing Eligibility  Passed 6 credits previous FT semester  Meeting Satisfactory Progress  Average 12 credits per FT semester (48 hours over four semesters = 12 per semester); or  Earn 24 credits over previous two FT semesters (24 hours in Fall 2010/Spring 2011)  75/25 = 75% earned in regular year (18 of 24 hours in fall and spring semesters)

21  Continuing Eligibility (continued)  Minimum GPAs  24 hours = 1.8  48 hours = 1.9  72 hours and up = 2.0  GPA must be earned at West Chester  Major selected by start of 5 th semester

22  Freshman Eligibility  Qualifier, Partial Qualifier, Nonqualifier  Qualifier  Graduate from high school  Minimum GPA of 2.0 in 14 core classes  820 SAT or 68 ACT  Qualifiers can practice, compete, and receive athletically-related financial aid

23  You are eligible to participate in FOUR seasons of eligibility within TEN full-time semesters of school.  You are eligible for championships that occur within 60 days of the date you complete the requirements for your degree.  You are NOT eligible for the rest of the season if you compete on any outside team during the playing season for your sport (which includes the off-season, or non-championship season)

24  Transfers – 2-4 or 4-4  Different rules for different types of schools  You must have a release from your former school AND must have been eligible at your former school in order to be eligible at WCU  Should have already been discussed prior to today – if questions, stop by athletic office  If you want to leave West Chester:  You must inform your head coach first  You must have a release from West Chester

25  Should you want a more detailed summary of the NCAA Regulations, stop by the compliance office and you will be given a packet of information.

26  WCU SA Handbook WCU SA Handbook  WCU Code of Conduct “highest standards of integrity and honesty”  Class Absence Policy  Not excused from class for practice  Absence verification form “courtesy form”  Academic Support  Tutoring – 105 Lawrence Hall  Mentoring Program  Anti-Hazing Policy  Athletic Holds  Insurance Procedures  You or your insurance must cover at least $500

27  SAAC – Voice of the Student-Athlete  Every team represented – get involved  Will provide opportunities for teams throughout the year  Student-Athlete Services  Focus on academic success, athletic success, personal development, career development, leadership and service  There will be some mandatory events, some that you may choose to attend

28  Not Hard to Earn Your Degree  GO TO CLASS  Simply showing up and paying attention indicates interest and can earn a passing grade  Complete assignments  Get to know the professors  Use tutors if needed – Lawrence Hall  No Excuses  Check your West Chester email daily -  Professors, athletic department, university offers important information

29  Remember Where You Are  Represent coaches and teammates but also the university  Standards High at West Chester  Behavioral Expectations Greater than Student Body Being and athlete is a privilege, not a right

30  Return all Packets  Send packets and to the end of the row, separate into two piles  Wait for them to be collected  Keep sports separated  Retain and Read all Other Documents GOOD LUCK IN 2011- 2012!

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