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Presentation on theme: "I S STUDENTS ' MORALITY A KEY FACTOR IN TAKING SUSTAINABLE ACTION ? Lavinia Ioana UDREA Philosophy PhD Student School of Politics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I S STUDENTS ' MORALITY A KEY FACTOR IN TAKING SUSTAINABLE ACTION ? Lavinia Ioana UDREA Philosophy PhD Student School of Politics, Int'l Relations & Philosophy, Keele University.

2 C ONTEXT Why not think about morality as an instrument that can boost students’ motivation to take sustainable actions and reduce their ecological footprint?

3 T RANSPARENCY IN RESEARCH This research is not placed on the political level, but on a social level of activism, where action is not motivated by political force, but by social encouragement.

4 T HE VALUE - ACTION GAP Values might be a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition, for the ‘right’ behaviour.

5 A DOPTING AN EXTERNALIST POSITION EXTERNALISM states that human behaviour is influenced by external factors we come across in our existence which can facilitate the realisation of our moral judgments.

6 T HE PROCESS OF HUMAN ACTION * A belief/ moral judgement motivates when the agent has the disposition to be motivated.

7 T HE MORAL STUDENT A student that follows his moral judgment will take into consideration the standard of morality that dictates a common sense way of acting that guarantees positive outcomes into the future.

8 A MOTIVATIONAL INSTRUMENT Moral judgment = intrinsically motivating belief that find their origin in a standard of morality. A moral judgment is concerned with what a person ought to do and is connected to a sense of moral responsibility. In the cultivation of moral responsibility we will use moral judgments because of their practicability to predict human action.

9 T HE EFFECT OF MORAL JUDGMENTS - M ORAL M ODE Moral Mode Moral Judgment++++ Internal motivation al factors Moral desire (gets the world to fit them) ++-- External motivation al factors Contextual motivation +--+ Moral Action/ Result++++ Moral mode describes the human mode that is motivated by a moral judgment. Moral judgement -> Moral Action Students need to be educated to follow their moral judgements that dictate them to take responsibility for their actions.

10 A SHARED MORALITY We must discuss a shared morality that students worldwide would take into consideration. An intrinsically motivating judgment is determined by common sense and is easy to be recognized by the majority of people due to the general acceptance that this judgment is good in itself. Students will take sustainable action if they find their motivation in a set of moral judgments that are based on common sense.

11 E NVIRONMENTAL E THICS W ORKSHOPS The reason for organizing the environmental ethics workshops is to give participants the chance to discover that their shared values have positive implications for environmental protection.

12 I S STUDENTS ' MORALITY A KEY FACTOR IN TAKING SUSTAINABLE ACTION ? Yes. In addition, I will emphasise the importance of human relationships that can facilitate the cultivation of moral motivation in groups of students that are open to working together for the well-being of the environment.

13 C ONCLUSIONS I am working to: develop an effective strategy that will enable students to become aware of their moral judgments provide them with the information necessarily to acquire specific moral values that concern environmental protection. I hope that this exercise in applied moral theory will offer activists and policy makers alike grounds for an alternative approach to encouraging pro-environmental behaviour.


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