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SADC Course in Statistics Module I4 Session 12 The Good, Bad & the Ugly.

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2 SADC Course in Statistics Module I4 Session 12 The Good, Bad & the Ugly

3 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 2 Introduction PowerPoint is an important tool for delivering messages effectively Success depends on –Planning –Organizing –Delivery

4 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 3 Understanding Audience Who –Position –Understanding of topic Why –Reason for sharing the message

5 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 4 Audience cont. Some people can be open to new ideas and are therefore more prone to give you a favourable hearing; others are sceptics and will resist new ideas and so are unlikely to give you a fair hearing. You have to therefore try much harder to win them over. Of course you might have no idea what to expect – unless these are people you ordinarily interact with Therefore you must be prepared to meet a mixture of types at your presentation and prepare accordingly. What does this mean in practical terms? It means that in your presentation you need to make your reasoning convincing - logical and strengthened with information, and facts. You may still get questions which sound unreasonable to you but answer them firmly but politely and do not get into arguments, or belabour a point unnecessarily. It is better to agree to disagree rather than focus on one person and one question. Or you can always offer to discuss it later with the person on an individual basis.

6 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 5 Structure of Talk Possible division –Introduction, main message (body), conclusion –10% for introduction, 70% of the talk will be devoted to the main message, 20% for the conclusion Introduction10% Main Body70% Conclusion20%

7 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 6 Focus on body –Give essential information –Use simple language –Dont use acronyms, which audience are not familiar with –TABLES, GRAPHS ETC SHOULD BE USED TO CLARIFY POINTS, NOT TO REPEAT TEXT.

8 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 7 Formatting is very crucial Choice of type and size of fonts can help or hinder clarity Colours have a huge effect on the audience –Some are soothing –Some jar on the nerves –Some combinations enhance the readability

9 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 8 (de)Enhahncing presentations Adding clip arts, pictures, music Adding sound Adding animations Changing transitions Links – which work sometimes

10 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 9 Tips for Success Familiarize yourself with the environment where you will be presenting Make backup copies Have contingency plans Let the audience know what to expect – in terms of handouts, question time etc Have speakers notes for yourself Check your presentation for errors, omissions etc

11 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 10 Polish your skills Confidence, enthusiasm Clear well modulated speech Steady pace Eye contact with the audience members Sensitive to culture & context

12 Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, 2004 11

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