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Understanding How the World Bank Works Building Successful Business Relations Anders Hjorth Agerskov, Sr. Policy Officer External Affairs, Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding How the World Bank Works Building Successful Business Relations Anders Hjorth Agerskov, Sr. Policy Officer External Affairs, Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding How the World Bank Works Building Successful Business Relations Anders Hjorth Agerskov, Sr. Policy Officer External Affairs, Communications and United Nations Affairs International Affairs World Bank May 13, 2004

2 Make It Clear Up Front Why You Want to Work with The World Bank  Increase revenue – or increase profits?  Enhance company skills base – or build references?  Gain experience from working on cutting edge issues/projects?  Stay in touch with global development trends?  Provide intellectually challenging work in order to retain employees bored with current tasks? These goals have a tremendous impact on how you approach the World Bank!

3 Know Your Comparative Advantage  Experience from same country and same sector?  Cutting-edge knowledge from other projects?  Can put together a team with short notice?  Access to Norwegian Trust Funds?  Your staff count former World Bank employees?  Something else? This Kind of Information is Important for Your Bank Client to Know

4 Functions Sector policy, global partnerships, research, personnel, training… Functions Sector policy, global partnerships, research, personnel, training… Functions Policy dialogue, SALs, ESW, investment projects, CG meetings, regional efforts… Functions Policy dialogue, SALs, ESW, investment projects, CG meetings, regional efforts… Know the Basics of How the Bank is Organized – You Will Waste Less of Your and Our Time EAPAFRECALACMNASAR Regions HDN ESSD PREM PSI INF FSE Networks Education Health Social Protection Anchors Health J. Baudouy Sector Board 10% of Health Staff HDN Director Health Manager ECA 90% of Health Staff Country Director Potential clients Health Manager

5 Be Aware that Certain Approaches Will Not Work for You in the World Bank DON’Ts  Expect to set up most of your meetings in Washington  Give lengthy introductions to your company  Try to sell company expertise – it doesn’t exist  Think there is just one Bank – staff focus, project criteria and professional expertises and biases vary greatly  Expect quick wins, i.e., coming back from a visit to Bank HQ with several projects  Focus just on HQ – Bank has decentralized many of its operations  Think that Bank work is similar to that of bilaterals  Ignore the fact that upstream project involvement may disqualify you for downstream work  See the Bank as your only client – client governments are a much larger segment!

6 There Are Certain Things You Can Do to Ensure Good Working Relations with Bank Staff DO’s  Identify appropriate Bank clients – use embassy / telephone book  Read about client projects / efforts – web is a good source  Share your experience relevant to the task your Bank client is working on – key selling point, so spend some time on this up front!  Use references, especially other Bank staff – reduces uncertainty for staff!  Ask for good practices in terms of how similar tasks were solved – Bank is quite particular about its requirements!  Do follow up as soon as possible and frequently – something might come up or you might be off track!  Visit Bank in the field if you have a professional reason – Bank staff are generally quite open  Visit your local embassy in the field, Washington embassy or Nordic-Baltic ED office

7 Final Slide  Thank you very much for your attention

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