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Managing References Using the free reference management tool Zotero.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing References Using the free reference management tool Zotero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing References Using the free reference management tool Zotero

2 Overview Why use a reference management tool? Zotero functionality Creating your Zotero library Adding references to your Zotero library Managing your documents and references Creating bibliographies Using Zotero with MS Word

3 Typical researcher writing a paper… Source: flickr/toennessen

4 Problem statement… Your paper reference list/bibliography Lots of typing Lost references Mistakes article book conference paper Your topic: citations

5 Use a reference management tool! Your article article book conference paper Zotero citations reference list/bibliography

6 Reference management tools Tools that help scholars to create and manage their lists of references for research projects. Most tools are designed to organize citations into specific formats for the preparation of manuscripts and bibliographies. Many search tools provide ways to download references into reference management tools.

7 Software options Free Subscription

8 Zotero Zotero is a free reference management tool, that is available as an add-on for the Firefox web browser. The Firefox web browser can be downloaded for free at: To download and install Zotero go to:

9 Zotero functionality Zotero recognizes bibliographic information on books, journal articles, and other resources from websites and databases and extracts metadata from these sources. Store related PDFs, files, images, and links in your library Create a bibliography in Word or OpenOffice. Publish shared libraries for your organization, class, or research group

10 Before you can install Zotero, you first need to install the Firefox web browser. Firefox can be downloaded from:

11 Next, go to the Zotero website at and click on the red Download button. A box will appear, click on Install Now

12 Exercise 1 Open the Firefox web browser Go to the website: To install Zotero, click on After installation, restart Firefox

13 To open Zotero, click on the Zotero logo in the bottom right of the browser.

14 This will open the Zotero window within the browser. The window has three columns that represent different levels of specificity for your references: The left column shows your Zotero libraries and collections as well as 'tags' (keywords) The middle column displays items contained within the selected library The right column displays information about a selected item. Left columnMiddle columnRight column

15 Many of Zotero's features can be customized via the Zotero preferences. To access the Zotero preference window, open Zotero, click the actions menu button (the 'gear' icon) at the top of the left column and select the “Preferences…” option

16 Within Zotero you can create collections to organize your references. To create a new collection, click on the New Collection icon in the left column. A box will appear prompting you to name your new collection. Choose a name and click OK. Your collection will appear in the left column.

17 Exercise 2 In the Firefox web browser, click on the Zotero logo in the bottom right corner to open Zotero. In the left column, click on “New Collection” icon ( ) and name this collection Trachoma

18 Adding citations to Zotero You can add citations to your library in several ways: –Manually enter citation information –Import citation information for a single item –Import citation information for multiple items –Automatically cite web pages –Add an item by identifier (ISBN, DOI or PMID)

19 To create a citation manually in Zotero, click on the New Item icon in the middle column. A pull-down menu will appear. Select the type of item you want to cite, here we select Journal Article. In the right column, you will find fields that are specific to the type of item you selected. Fill in those fields for your item.

20 Exercise 3 In Zotero, click on the New item icon ( ) in the middle column. Select to add a Book and enter the following title, author, publisher and publication date: Trachoma Control A.W. Solomon World Health Organization, 2006

21 Zotero is compatible with many databases, including PubMed. If you are looking at an individual record in PubMed, an Article icon will appear in the address bar of your browser. If you click on this icon, the citation information will be immediately added to your Zotero library. A full overview of databases supported by Zotero is available on:

22 If you are on a page with a list of PubMed results, you will see a Folder icon in the address bar of the browser. If you click on the icon, a box will appear with a list of all records to import. Select the records you would like to import and click on OK.

23 Exercise 4 Go to PubMed and do a search for articles about: “face washing” AND trachoma When you are on the results page, click on the Folder icon in the address bar: Select some articles to import into Zotero and click on OK

24 To import citations for webpages into your library, click on the Create New Item from Current Page icon in the middle column. Information about the current webpage will automatically be saved. You can edit the information by clicking on the fields in the right column.

25 Another way to add a new item is by using the Add Item by Identifier option of Zotero. You find this icon in the middle column. You can enter an ISBN, DOI or PMID. Zotero will look up the information and import it into your library.

26 Attaching files to items In Zotero, any type of file can be attached to an item. Items such as the PDF of an article or images can be opened in the Firefox window, while other file-types open in external programs. You can add attachments to items by clicking on the button in the middle column that looks like a paperclip: All files stored in the Zotero library are kept in a folder within the Firefox profile directory (unless another location is specified in the Advanced preference tab).

27 Creating bibliographies from Zotero

28 To create a bibliography from Zotero, highlight one or more references and then right-click to select “Create Bibliography from Selected Item(s).” Then select a citation style for your bibliography format and choose one of the following four ways to create your bibliography: –Save as RTF will allow you to save the bibliography as a rich text file, which can be opened for example in Word. –Save as HTML will allow you to save the bibliography as a HTML file for viewing in a web browser. –Save to Clipboard will allow you to save the bibliography to your clipboard to paste into any text field. –Print will send your bibliography straight to a printer.

29 To create a Zotero bibliography: Select the items you want to include in the middle column. Next, right-click the selected items. Choose the option Create Bibliography from Selected Items, a new dialog box will appear. Choose the Citation Style you would like to use Choose the Format (RTF or HTML) to save your document. Click on OK

30 This is an example of a Zotero bibliography that was created using the Harvard citation style and RTF as format.

31 Exercise 5 In Zotero, Select the items you have imported from PubMed in the middle column. Next, right-click the selected items. Choose the option Create Bibliography from Selected Items, a new dialog box will appear. Choose the Citation Style you would like to use Choose the Format RTF Click on OK Open the saved document with MS Word

32 Word Processor Integration Zotero's Word and OpenOffice plugins allow users to insert citations directly from their word processing software. You can find a link to install the plugin on the Zotero homepage ( After installation of the plugin you should see this row of icons in your Microsoft Word toolbar: These six buttons allow you to manage references and bibliographies in your Microsoft Word documents.

33 Citing in Word - example

34 Using The Zotero Word Plugin Click on the “Zotero Insert Citation” icon If this is the first citation you have added to the document the Document Preferences window will open. Chose the bibliographic format you would like to use from the list and click OK.

35 Adding a Citation in Word Once you have chosen a format, the “Add Citation” window will pop up. Sort through your collection in this window, select the item you would like to cite and click on “OK”. You can add the specific page number in the text box at the bottom of the window.

36 Generating a bibliography To generate a bibliography from all the items you have referenced, click the “Zotero Insert Bibliography” button ( ) on the Zotero toolbar in Word. The edit citation ( ) and edit bibliography ( ) buttons allow you to edit citations and bibliographies you have already inserted into your documents. Click inside a citation or bibliography and click either button to edit. Never use your word processor to edit citations! Anything you type into (or delete from) a citation using Word will be automatically reverted the next time Zotero updates your document.

37 Generating a bibliography The fifth button on the toolbar, “Zotero Refresh” ( ) updates your references to any changes in your Zotero collection. The sixth button on the toolbar ( ) will open the Document Preferences window again, allowing you to change your bibliographic style instantly.

38 Citation Styles A core feature of Zotero is its ability to automatically format citations and bibliographies. By default Zotero comes with a selection of popular styles (such as APA, Harvard and Vancouver), but many more are available through the online Zotero Style Repository at: Visit the Style Repository and click the “[Install]” link next to the style you wish to install.

39 Zotero Citation Style Repository Click on the “[Install]” link next to the style you wish to install.

40 Which citation style to use? Most journals provide information on which reference style to use in their “Instructions to authors”. Look for the heading “References”. The Mulford Library Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences Guide provides links to web sites which provide instructions to authors for over 6,000 journals in health and life sciences:

41 Zotero web account On you can create a Zotero You need a Zotero account to synchronize your library, participate in groups, or post to the support forums. Data synchronization transfers library items, notes, links, tags, etc.—everything except attachment files—between your local computer and the Zotero servers, allowing you to work with your data from any computer with the Zotero extension. It also allows you to view your library online on To synchronize your data with the Zotero web server, open Zotero's Sync preferences tab and enter your login information in the Zotero Sync Server section.

42 Zotero Online Library

43 Zotero Groups Zotero Groups provide a way to share collections with a class, work with colleagues on a project or keep track of conversations in a specific field of research. Groups can be private or public. To create a group in Zotero: Click the New Group icon located in the top left corner of the left column in Zotero and follow the instructions.

44 Using Zotero with Portable Firefox If you are unable to install Firefox on a computer, you may still be able to use Zotero by using Portable Firefox from an external drive (for example a USB drive). In order to use Zotero through Portable Firefox on your external drive, you will need to 1.Install Portable Firefox and Zotero onto your external drive 2.Move your Zotero library onto the external drive 3.Specify the location of your library in Zotero See for detailed instructions:

45 Zotero Support On the Support page on the Zotero website (, which is available in several languages, you can find documentation on additional features of Zotero as well as Frequently Asked Questions and a number of screencast tutorials.

46 Zotero Screencasts demonstrate many of the basic functions of Zotero, such as adding references, managing your library, and how to use Zotero in Word.

47 References A Beginner’s Guide to Using Zotero - UBC Biomedical Branch Library. Available at: guide-to-zotero. Zotero Quick Start Guide. Available at:

48 This module was developed by: Ingeborg Nagel, MSc Information Specialist Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) The Netherlands Updated 2011 08

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