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The ceramic in Manises By Cristina, Mª José & Lorena.

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Presentation on theme: "The ceramic in Manises By Cristina, Mª José & Lorena."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ceramic in Manises By Cristina, Mª José & Lorena

2 The ceramic

3 History Since XIV century, Manises has been known for its ceramic. The most important ceramic was the painted with metallic reflex. This kind of pieces were sold around the world.

4 Visiting the museum The ceramic museum has been opened since year 1967. At the museum we can see old ceramic pieces, old photos and old machines to make ceramic. This museum is visited by hundreds of people every year.

5 Ceramic’s school The ceramic school was one of the most important buildings of Manises because a lot of people came to learn about this job.

6 Ceramic’s school - video

7 The industry Our town had always been an industrial city. Years ago Manises was crowded with ceramic factories. Actually there aren’t many of them. But we already have some ceramic shops.

8 Ceramic’s shop - video

9 The town Manises is plenty of monuments related to ceramic. Wherever you go, you can see a lot of glazed tiles painted with drawings about religion and our culture.

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