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1 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EGTEI Warsaw, 22nd november 2011 Emerging technologies sub-group (EmTech.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EGTEI Warsaw, 22nd november 2011 Emerging technologies sub-group (EmTech."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EGTEI Warsaw, 22nd november 2011 Emerging technologies sub-group (EmTech 50-500) Progress in the work Emmanuel FIANI

2 2 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 Mandate by WGSR47 “Continue the work on emerging technologies for combustion plants lower than 500 MW” EmTech 50-500 builds on the work completed by LCP2030 on LCPs > 500 MWth (july 2008). EmTech 50-500 also builds on work achieved by other EGTEI sub- groups (eg SCI sub-group) Overall aim of the sub-group - get new information on abatement techniques and technologies which are emerging - useful for 1. extending the abatement techniques/technologies in the GAINS model (remaining gap between MTFR and no-effect level) and 2. for the LCP BREF revision which started earlier this year  confirmed at KOM at the end of october 2011 - Why 50 MWth?: because of current Gothenburg Protocol

3 3 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 What is an emerging technology? -Pilot plant scale and demonstration plant scale -Improvements of existing abatement techniques / technologies -Techniques / technologies applied in other domains (emerging applications) -New abatement techniques / technologies Detailed aim of EmTech50-500 -Time horizon: 2030 -Information gathered on: environmental performance (NOx, S, PM), rate of penetration for new and existing plants, energy consumption/CO2 impact, costs. Focus (or not focus) -50 and 500 are not strictly fixed borders: possibilities of downscaling or upscaling -Peak loads plants are not in the scope -Combustion plants in the sense of the LCP directive -Natural gas, hard coal and biomass = priority -Technologies causing no significant air emissions not in the scope (eg fuel cells)

4 4 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 DRAFT REPORT PROVIDED BY KIT – NOV 2011 Description of techniques/technologies :agreed format (fact sheets) -BREF-style items for reader-friendliness: -Description -Achieved environmental benefits, with a summary dedicated to priority pollutants -Applicability -Operational data -Economics -Driving force for implementation -Reference literature -Besides (before) these “BREF-style” items, some specific items are included: -Status boxes : technology / pollutants  main discussion today of yesterday session -Potential -Status of -Research -Implementation (to show market forces and soon readiness for commercialization)  Indicators to monitor market penetration  Proposal to update these indicators every 2-4 years

5 5 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 28 technologies taken into account for in-depth assessment. -Solid fossil fuel combustion technologies -Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) -Lignite Predrying in Fluidized Beds (WTA Drying) -Pressurized Steam Fluidized Bed Drying (PFBD) -Technologies for the use of biomass -Types of biomass gasifiers - Co-Combustion of Biomass -Biomass fuelled IGCC (BIGCC) -Biomethane (Bio-SNG) production of solid biomass -Gaseous fuel combustion technologies -H2 Gas Turbines - HTFC-GT / HTFC-MTG Hybrid Generation Systems -Catalytic Combustion of Natural Gas -Ultra low NOx burners for Oil and Gas Combustion -Swirl Flash -Flameless Combustion of Gaseous Fuels

6 6 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 28 technologies taken into account for in-depth assessment (cont.). -CO2 abatement techniques and technologies -CO2 Scrubbing by Physical Absorption -CO2 Scrubbing by Chemical Absorption -EnergiCapt – Capturing CO2 in small units -Oxyfuel combustion: Oxyfuel in PC combustion, Oxyfuel in CFB combustion, In-situ Oxygen membranes for Oxyfuel boilers, Activated Carbon Multi Pollutant Abatement Technique for Oxyfuel Gases -Pollutant reduction by efficiency increasing technolgies -H-Class / J-series natural gas turbines -650°C/700°C Technology in coal combustion -Mono-pollutant abatement techniques -High efficiency wet FDG plants for CO2 capture -Hot Gas Ceramic Filters -SO3 Injection -Multi-pollutant abatement techniques -SCONOX -(WSA) SNOX-ESAP -Catalytic Ceramic Filter

7 7 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 Techniques, which have not been considered: For smaller appliances: Ultra Low NOx Infrared Burners, Methane SCR Not in core activity: Shell FGD Process, SELOX for H2S Removal Not core pollutants: Activated Coke for PCDD/F Removal in Biomass, Additives for Abatement of Alkaline Emissions in Biomass Combustion, Hg Removal with Activated Coke No further developments could be identified in the last years: Indigo Agglomerator, Electron Beam Radiation, SNRB, COHPAC, TOXECON, ZnO-based Processes, NOXSO

8 8 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 Status boxes: Need to provide easy-readible information for non experts Available at the beginning of the fact sheets and in the summary Qualitative approach suited to emerging technologies Example: CO2 Scrubbing by Chemical Absorption

9 9 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 Process (secretariat by KIT) 1.Data collection: - bibliographical study + proactive contact (suppliers,…) by KIT - information from EmTech50-500 members (reports, experts,…) 2. First analysis of this information by KIT 3. Final analysis by the sub-group 4. Report to EGTEI Where are we now? -5 meetings: -Paris, 02 feb 2011 : KOM (scope issues) -Rome, 05 may 2011 : technologies presentations and discussions -Paris 22 june 2011: technologies presentations and discussions -Paris 12 oct 2011: data analysis, agreement on report structure -Warsaw 21 nov 2011: status boxes discussion -Draft report : november 2011  There are some fact sheets where data is scarce  There are some status boxes for which additional expertise is needed

10 10 Direction Production et Energie Durables Service Entreprises et Eco-Technologies EmTech50-500 Planned next steps -21 nov 2011: final meeting in Warsaw -15 jan 2012 : final deadline for comments + additional information from your country or your industrial sector -31 jan 2012: final report completed -February: final report will be circulated (electronically) among EGTEI for approval -Mid-march: final report will be sent to the LRTAP Convention secretariat -End of march: final report will be sent to LCP BREF TWG -And then, several possibilities: - WGSR presentation?, - report will be available as a pdf file, - ADEME will produce a number of hard copies (how many are needed?), - translation issues (is Russian translation needed?) - Possible communication through scientific conferences or technical journals. - Possible re-assessment of emerging technologies in 2-4 years ?

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