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A Pipe Dream? The Efficacy of Point of Use Water Systems Policy dialogue.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pipe Dream? The Efficacy of Point of Use Water Systems Policy dialogue."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pipe Dream? The Efficacy of Point of Use Water Systems Policy dialogue

2 Technological solutions from a research perspective TG Barnard Water and Health Research Centre

3  Established in 2004 – Prof Paul Jagals  Since 2008 – Dr TG Barnard  Originally known as the “Water and Health Research Unit”  Now known as the “Water and Health Research Centre”  Change in direction needed to answer demands from SA water sector HISTORY OF WHRC

4 RESEARCH FOCUS: OLD VERSUS NEW  Original research focus  Inter-disciplinary research approach to establish the HESET risk assessment toolkit for evaluating water related studies  HESET = Health, economical, social, environmental, technology  Adapted research focus  Inter-disciplinary research approach using current expertise available in Faculty of Health Science  Initial main focus on developing advanced technology for water, stool and food samples for the presence of bacterial pathogens

5 RESEARCH AIMS  Research aims:  Detection of bacterial pathogens (qualitative and quantitative)  Public perceptions regarding water, water treatment or water technology  Commercialization of projects  Commercialization of projects topic of presentation:  Personal experiences with the design and commercialization process  My views and experiences – not necessarily the same for all

6 OUR APPROACH TO COMMERCIALIZATION  Call for multi-disciplinary research to answer needs of country  Including sociologists or anthropologists  Next step include Industrial designer  University of Venda and University of Johannesburg project  Funded by Water Research Commission  Potters-for-Peace Ceramic Water Filter


8  What did we learn?  We need to link science with industrial design  Appointed Industrial designer in the Centre  Working with designer not always easy!  Different backgrounds makes communication difficult



11 HOW DO WE PROJECT OUR DESIGN?  Patenting or licencing?  Do not patent whole design  Patent small parts of the design  Our approach is determined by each product  Do we want to produce this?  Do we licence and “rent” our idea to industry?

12 HOW DO WE APPROACH OUR PRODUCTS?  What we want and we can do not the same?  Be realistic in what can be done  Need for prototyping  What type of method used to produce the product  Rotor moulding, injection moulding, rapid growing etc.  Looking at cost vs. quality vs. output  What do the community want?  Is it practical to produce and use?  Would they really want to use it?  Would you use your product?

13 HOW DO WE FUND OUR PRODUCTS?  Look at hidden design costs?  Different moulds can influence your cost  Produce in SA or China?  Decide what you want to do then look for funds  Look at projected actual costs?  Can people afford to buy it?  Can we make it more affordable?  Jay Bhagwan design approach

14 OUR PROBLEMS?  We have the ideas and designs but we are not business men  When applying for funds:  Business plan/model  Market survey etc.  This makes commercialization difficult!

15 FINAL THOUGHTS?  Get a good team together  Design what the affluent would want to buy but the poor need to use  Have fun with your project!

16 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  Collaborators  University of Venda – Prof Natasha Potgieter  ERWAT and Rand Water  Funders  University of Johannesburg  Water Research Commission  National Research Foundation  University of Johannesburg  Prof Andre Swart  Industrial designers: Robin Robertson and Martin Bolton  WHRC lab personal and students

17 We drink tap water…. Do you?

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