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Engineering Education International Diversity in Graduate Engineering Education: Development of a Multi Institutional Survey Erin Crede Maura Borrego Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Education International Diversity in Graduate Engineering Education: Development of a Multi Institutional Survey Erin Crede Maura Borrego Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Education International Diversity in Graduate Engineering Education: Development of a Multi Institutional Survey Erin Crede Maura Borrego Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech Presentation for the 2010 FIE Conference Funded by National Science Foundation EEC-0934643

2 Engineering Education Overview of the Presentation Introduction Lessons from the Ethnography Creating the Instrument Recommendations for Survey Researchers Future Work

3 Engineering Education Introduction of the Study The overall purpose of this study is to investigate the role of international diversity in graduate engineering research groups Sequential Exploratory Mixed Methods Study QUAL  QUAN Ethnography  Survey QUANT Data Analysis Mixing of Qualitative and Quantitative Results Data Collection QUANT Results QUAL  QUAN QUAL Data Analysis QUAL Results Discussion of Mixing

4 Engineering Education Lessons from the Ethnography Conceptual Understanding Cultural Considerations Hypothesis Formulation Results from the ethnographic observations and interviews were used to increase the validity of the instrument. What did this tell us?

5 Engineering Education Creating the Instrument Develop Questions Operationalize variables Customize question wording for a diverse population Develop Hypotheses Map constructs to individual questions Interviews and Observations ConstructsHypotheses Individual Questions

6 Engineering Education Creating the Instrument “I am in the minority in my research group” “I value the international diversity of my research group” “I am comfortable speaking up during research group meetings” Some examples of Likert questions added to the instrument:

7 Engineering Education Recommendations for Survey Researchers Relation of research question to variables you can measure Existing literature base Timeline and level of access to participants Diversity of the population Factors to consider when choosing a qualitative method:

8 Engineering Education Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation who funded this research under IEECI 0934643 Questions?

9 Engineering Education Future Work Data Collection Complete at two of four universities Survey live at the other two Data Analysis Descriptive statistics Multiple regression Crosstabs and correlations 1000-1500 participants

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