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Welcome - Introduction to SDMI & Goals for the Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome - Introduction to SDMI & Goals for the Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome - Introduction to SDMI & Goals for the Workshop

2 Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative Program Goals CREATE A BASE MAP OF ALASKA: Acquire imagery and digital elevation data necessary to meet specifications, generate ortho-imagery and DEMs, and assess accuracy of final products. CREATE THE ARCHIVE: Develop the project infrastructure to warehouse, archive and make products available to the public. LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT OF THE BASE MAP DATA: Provide ongoing management of the base map data.

3 Governance Model: MOU Signatories Department of Natural Resources Department of Military & Veterans Affairs University of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities – pending signature. Executive Team Staff Implementation Team

4 Project Funding $33.3 Million Original Estimate$33.3 Million Original Estimate –25% State Funding 75% Federal Funding $2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY07$2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY07 $2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY08$2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY08 $2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY09$2.0 Million State GF Funded in FY09 $6.0 Million total$6.0 Million total Balance $4 Million; Working with Federal Partners through the Alaska Geographic Data Committee

5 Accomplishments Created a Mapping Portal at the University of Alaska for public imagery and elevation models; serving data to the public via open standards protocols: WMS, WFS, WCS, and KML and direct downloads. Growing number of users and contributors. (Goal #2; #3) Purchased Data Uplift Licenses to move single agency licenses to a shared public viewing license. Uplifts for Yukon-Kusko Delta, Cape Yagataga Coastal Areas, statewide Landsat Image. (Goal #1)

6 Accomplishments Support for Kenai Lidar Project : Invested $250,000 (~18% if project cost) with federal and borough partners; data acquired and products in development. (Goal #1) Planning Contract with HDR Inc. Charlie Barnwell, Project Manager. User input, existing inventory, management options, workshops, and data acquisition plans. About 60% complete. Next major steps, Imagery Workshop, Whitepaper, and RFP.

7 Accomplishments Completed an open-forum DEM Workshop in Anchorage, and published a whitepaper; lead author Dave Maune, Ph.D from Dewberry, Inc. See: Hosting an open forum Ortho-Imagery Workshop in Anchorage, March 2-3, and will publish a whitepaper, lead author by Russ Coward, I-Cubed. Testing ASTER DEM in partnership with Dewberry, UAF­ ASF, and USGS. (Goal #1)

8 Draft Specifications: Imagery Review at Ortho Workshop Statewide Specifications: –1.0 to 2.5 meter Statewide –Ability to collect the state in 5 years or less, (leaf on, 10% cloud cover) –Multi-spectral optical/IR –Ability to refresh on a 3-5 year cycle and to monitor a major event (fire, flood, earthquake etc.) –Support map production of 1:24,000 or larger, meeting National Map Accuracy Standards. Top Goal for Workshop: Consensus Statewide Orthoimagery Specification

9 Draft Specifications: Imagery Review at Ortho Workshop High Resolution Areas, Specifications: –Population Centers and Transportation – Utility Corridors –0.2 to 1.0 meter –Support map production of 1:8,000 or larger, meeting National Map Accuracy Standards. –Project specific –Two or more-partner acquisition; lead by project team’s business requirements with SDMI potentially as a supporting partner Estimates indicate about 10% of the state would require high-resolution coverage.

10 Draft Specifications: DEM From Whitepaper High Resolution Areas, Specifications: –10 foot contour interval or less (e.g. Airborne LIDAR) –Engineering applications, detailed modeling, low slope and relief areas Mid Resolution Areas, Specifications: –20-30 foot contour interval (e.g. Airborne IFSAR) –Aviation Safety, covers large areas to statewide Low Resolution Areas, Specifications: –40 foot contour interval or larger (e.g. Satellite) –Ortho-photo rectification, statewide coverage

11 Draft Specifications: Public Access Public Domain 1 st choice (ideal) Broad Use License with public access to processed images 2 nd choice (acceptable) Central Core Storage – UAF-GINA Decentralized Storage-Users & Mirror Sites Live Access via OpenGIS Protocols Partnership w/ Private Providers (e.g. Google, Yahoo, MapQuest, Microsoft)

12 Draft General Schedule & Unknowns March 2009: Ortho Workshop April – May 2009: Imagery RFP May 2009: DEM IfSAR Recommendations to Implement and Fund June 2009: HDR & I-Cubed Contract Wraps Unknowns Spring 2009: FY10 CIP decisions Opportunities from Stimulus-Omnibus Bills

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