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Presentation on theme: " 1 Cool mashups and new features with the latest Fez+Fedora media streaming, Solr powered search, Facebook integration Open Repositories."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Cool mashups and new features with the latest Fez+Fedora media streaming, Solr powered search, Facebook integration Open Repositories 2008, Southampton Christiaan Kortekaas Open Sourcerer, Lead programmer, Fez and eScholarshipUQ Testbed Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

2 2 The Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Funded by the Australian Federal Government’s Department of Education, Science, and Training over 2004-2007 to establish a centre of excellence in digital collections management. APSR is a coordinated set of programs and projects that address strategic issues of digital sustainability, eResearch facilitation, repository management and system development.

3 3 Left unsaid What Fez is Why we developed it Detailed technology Application structure Workflow system Content Model Metadata Editing system Preservation services ACML security system & Shibboleth SP Search for “fez” on UQ eSpace

4 4 On the menu Fez as UQ eSpace Repository action verbs and mashups Fez developer community contributions Fez Roadmap

5 5 UQ is using Fez for… Central research authority service Theses management system (see diagram) Video, Audio streaming services Image collections HERDC Research Assessment (RAE) Datasets (possibly)

6 6 UQ eSpace 1800+ Users have logged in One main content administrator Most content currently coming via EndNote exported xml For a large amount of academic work metadata already exists, so only fulltext needs to be added (lowers the barrier to submission) Library working on getting all metadata only records to also have fulltext

7 7 Innovative Actions in Fez Import Deduplicate Export & Feed Delete, Undelete & Tombstone Stream & Embed Customise theme per Community/Collection

8 8 Import & Ingest ePrints ~5000 Research Master ~45,000 Thompson ISI ~70,000 Endnote ~10,000 New workflow for network ingest for bringing in very large files (greater than HTTP can handle)

9 9

10 10 De-duplicate 130,000 records de-duplicate down to 65,000 ‘Fuzzy logic’ de-dupe workflow generates a report with GUI Many objects auto-de-duped and merged based on strong identifiers (ISI_LOC, ISSN, ISBN etc) Existing objects get merged with data from their duplicates, slave objects get ‘tombstoned’

11 11

12 12

13 13 Export Business Objects/Crystal Reports SQL feed for central ah-hoc research report generation by Research Office Exported by Fedora in METS, converted to APSR METS Profile by the APSR RIFF Submission service CSV, Excel EndNote soon

14 14 Delete & Tombstone Different to purge – removes from Fez indexes and sets Fedora object status to ‘Deleted’

15 15 Stream & Embed Automatic conversion of any uploaded or ‘network ingested’ video content into flash video (like YouTube) Uses a free open source streaming flash video player (looks like YouTube) UQ Library video competition winner watched over 1000 times Can be embedded into external websites (like facebook) Library man Embedded Library Man Library manEmbedded Library Man

16 16 Custom Themes Using Fez Theme engine or Fez Manakin Emulation with Chameleon support

17 17 Recent Community Contributions Solr Integration – Kai Jauslin @ ETH Zurich Origami Image Viewer Integration – Keith Maull @ Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Fedora versioning viewing, Repository Bridge Application, DROID integration – Matt Painter @ Archives New Zealand User commenting on object – Jonathon Harker @ Catalyst New Zealand

18 18 Integration Full featured modular search service  Faceting, highlighting, rich API Excellent performance, with fast on- the-fly updates (uses lucene engine) Complete integration with the Fez authorisation index (FezACML) Direct easy mapping of search keys defined in the Fez GUI to ‘dynamic’ fields in the Solr index schema Fulltext indexing of PDF

19 19 Future of Fez Community Driven Fez 2 final release to include at least Solr integration, other community contributed modules Simplification (One shell script to install all of Fedora and Fez in ONE command) Hosting Services - CARE Affiliates Orbeon XFORMS optional module

20 20 New Fedora Storage Layer What do you do if you need to ‘fix’ 50,000 objects? XQUERY and XQUERYUPDATE Fedora needs ACID transactions across a set of API transactions One answer: use Oracle Berkeley DBXML or equivalent Who?

21 21 Further Resources Fez Wiki  http://dev- http://dev- Fez Sourceforge site:   Forums, User and Developer mailing lists, Download page Fez Eventum (like bugzilla) – opening to the public soon

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