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A place to write down what makes you angry or sad or amazed What you noticed and don’t want to forget A place to live like a writer, not just in school.

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Presentation on theme: "A place to write down what makes you angry or sad or amazed What you noticed and don’t want to forget A place to live like a writer, not just in school."— Presentation transcript:




4 A place to write down what makes you angry or sad or amazed What you noticed and don’t want to forget A place to live like a writer, not just in school during writing time, but wherever you are, at any time of the day ---Ralph Fletcher


6 A memorable event An idea about a future entry Describing your surroundings Feelings Something you experienced that doesn’t happen every day

7 Important firsts Your first day in school The first time you rode a two- wheeler First hair cut First recital First home run

8 Reflections about family A particular tradition in your family Family story Family vacation

9 An artifact Important objects in our lives often provide excellent material to write about – Ring – An arrowhead you found – Newspaper article

10 Strong Story leads… His mother was ugly and his father was ugly, but Shrek was uglier than the two of them put together. By the time he toddled, Shrek could spit flames a full ninety yards and vent smoke from either ear. With just a look he cowed the reptiles in the swamp. Any snake dumb enough to bite him instantly got convulsions and died.

11 The Horribles Horrible haircut A disastrous time you had at camp or on a family vacation. An injury. Did you ever have to go to the hospital?

12 Changes in Your Life Are you a middle child? An only child? Were you adopted? Best friend. (Did you ever get in trouble?) Moving. Did you leave behind a best friend when you moved from your old house?

13 …And so on – Favorite pet, or a pet you once had. – What you are (or used to be) afraid of. – One thing you never want to do again! – Reflections about who you are

14 What does a Writer’s Notebook look like? It reflects your personality. It can be a pad, a composition book, something that is portable. It is YOURS!!

15 Why keep a Writer’s Notebook? To enjoy writing To remember all the things that you have read and seen and heard

16 To get things out of your head so they don’t get stuck up there

17 To keep memories To remember special days

18 Something to do when there isn’t anything else to do!

19 A writer’s notebook is your link to YOU and YOUR thoughts-your past, your present, your future.

20 As you continue to write in your notebook, you will find that the right words come easier…

21 Your thoughts seem to just flow from your mind to the paper…

22 You become the “Master of your own writing”. You will discover the power of the written word.

23 It’s true. Just ask your teacher.

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