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Registration Stillwater Junior High 7 th into 8 th Grade Registration.

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Presentation on theme: "Registration Stillwater Junior High 7 th into 8 th Grade Registration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration Stillwater Junior High 7 th into 8 th Grade Registration

2 You are the classof2018

3 Required Courses 2013-14 English (Honors) 2 Semesters English (Honors) 2 Semesters Math2 Semesters Math2 Semesters Earth Science 2 Semesters Earth Science 2 Semesters Intro to Global Studies*1 Semester Intro to Global Studies*1 Semester Physical Education1 Quarter Physical Education1 Quarter Automation and Robotics1 Quarter Automation and Robotics1 Quarter *A change in the course or new course

4 English Honors English Honors English English 8 English 8 Strategic English and Reading Strategic English and Reading Reading Skill Building* Reading Skill Building* Students will be placed in courses based on data. *This course will take place of an elective option and will be in addition to a the core English course.

5 English Honors English –Successful completion of Honors 7- enroll for Honors 8 –If you did not take Honors 7 you must apply for Honors English 8 »Applications in Counseling Office »Also based on scores from Performance Series Reading test, academic record, and a writing sample

6 Reading Skill Building Students who need additional work in developing their reading skills may be placed in a reading skill building class in place of an elective.

7 Math Algebra Algebra Geometry Geometry Advanced Algebra Advanced Algebra Math Skill Building* Math Skill Building* Students will be placed in courses based on data. *This course will take place of an elective option and will be in addition to a the core English course.

8 Math Skill Building Students who need additional work in developing their math skills may be placed in a math skill building class in place of an elective.

9 Science Earth Science Earth Science LEaP Science II LEaP Science II

10 Elective Courses Music (2 Semesters) Music (2 Semesters) –Band –Choir –Orchestra World Language (2 Semesters) World Language (2 Semesters) –Spanish 1 –French 1 Additional Courses (1 Semester) Additional Courses (1 Semester) Art 1Art 1 Art 2Art 2 Speech/TheaterSpeech/Theater Speech/DebateSpeech/Debate Video ProductionVideo Production DAPE Teacher AssistantDAPE Teacher Assistant Independent Computer Exploration (ICE)Independent Computer Exploration (ICE) Physical EducationPhysical Education

11 AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) AVID is a college preparatory program that includes: + Two hours of instruction per week in college entry skills +Two hours per week in tutor led study groups +One hour per week in motivational activities and academic survival skills Students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading to support their growth academically.

12 An AVID Student has: +Desire & Determination +Untapped academic potential +Average to High Test Scores +2.0-3.5 G.P.A. +College Potential with Support *Must apply & be accepted into the program. *Talk to your counselor if interested.

13 Sample Student Schedule 0. Advisory 1. English 2. Math 3. Earth Science 4F. Intro to Global Studies (lunch) 4S.Physical Education/Automation and Robotics (lunch) 5. Elective 6. Elective

14 Sample Student Schedule 0. Advisory 1. English (2 semesters) 2. Math (2 semesters) 3. Earth Science (2 semesters) 4F.Intro to Global Studies(lunch) (1 semester) 4S.Physical Education/ Automation and Robotics (lunch) (1 semester) 5. Elective (need 2 semesters worth) 6. Elective (need 2 semesters worth)

15 Student Schedule Question: What do we pick with our student? Answer: Elective (need 4 semesters worth) Music (2 semesters) Music (2 semesters) World Language (2 semesters) World Language (2 semesters) Art 1 (1 semester) Art 1 (1 semester) Art 2 (1 semester) Art 2 (1 semester) Speech/Theater (1 semester) Speech/Theater (1 semester) Speech/Debate (1 semester) Speech/Debate (1 semester) Video Production (1 semester) Video Production (1 semester) ICE (1 semester)* ICE (1 semester)* DAPE Teacher Asst. (1 semester)* DAPE Teacher Asst. (1 semester)* Physical Education (1 semester) Physical Education (1 semester) *Application required *Application required

16 Registration guide is online

17 Important Dates Week of January 29:Deadline for Turning in Completed Registration Forms Week of January 29:Deadline for Turning in Completed Registration Forms February 1: Applications due for Selected Courses (Honors English, ICE & DAPE Asst) February 1: Applications due for Selected Courses (Honors English, ICE & DAPE Asst) May/June/July, 2013Honors/Reading/Math Placements May/June/July, 2013Honors/Reading/Math Placements June/July 2013Schedules are finalized June/July 2013Schedules are finalized August 20138 th Grade Schedule Pick-up August 20138 th Grade Schedule Pick-up September 3, 2013First Day of School September 3, 2013First Day of School

18 Registration Forms are due : Week of January 29, 2013 Ms. Peloquin: January 29 Mr. Ryan: January 30 Ms. Rose: January 31

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