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Toward Public Value: New Strategies for the Arts in the 21 st Century.

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1 Toward Public Value: New Strategies for the Arts in the 21 st Century

2 In the beginning...  1964 – the National Endowment for the Arts is established  1965 – the Ohio Arts Council is established

3 Governor Rhodes with Stan Aronoff, 1965

4 Late 1960’s – early 1970’s  1968 – the North American Assembly of State and Provincial Arts Agencies is organized  1972 – the Mid-American Arts Alliance is formed  1974 – Regional arts organizations are formed the served the Upper Midwest, the West and the Southwest


6 Mid 1970’s  1976: establishment of the Ohio Citizens Committee for the Arts (now Ohio Citizens for the Arts)  1977: OAC creates Minority Arts, Traditional Arts and Individual Artist programs







13 Mid-1990’s  Technological advancements abound  Major arts education partnerships are established  OAC launches the Appalachian Arts Program


15 Late 1990’s  NEA staff reductions  Term limits implemented in Ohio  State economic woes begin


17 in millions


19 Survival Skills...... and luck has nothing to do with it!

20  Foresight  Being proactive  Staying ready for challenges  Close connections to – and dialogue with – constituents  Strong advocacy organization in OCA

21  1998: OAC begins work on the State of the Arts Report (SOAR)

22 Wallace Foundation funds have enabled:  Direct funding to 5 regional Ohio sites  OAC “FAM-iliarization” tours  Internal staff training, planning and professional development

23 PassionDedicationCommitment

24 “You can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it.” - Albert Einstein

25  Support and accessibility for all  Strategies for inclusion and participation  Persistence and willingness to embrace change  Long-tenured staff and Executive Director  Belief in the ability of the arts and artists to create healthy communities Other Keys to Success:

26 The Future...

27 SOAR Revisited:  The universe of entry points to the arts is expansive  Old “classical” definitions of the arts were not inclusive enough  3 of 4 Ohioans believe state tax dollars should be used to support the arts  Only 40% are aware state tax dollars do support the arts

28 SOAR at the local level:  Going beyond who’s in the audience: do you know who isn’t?  Why aren’t they there?  How can you serve these constituents in a meaningful way if their voices are not heard?

29 2003 OAC Field Survey:  86% agreed or strongly agreed that they value the OAC staff for their leadership and guidance  70% agreed that the OAC should provide programs that give them a broader perspective on arts policy / current research value  73% strongly agreed that the OAC should be a leader in helping Ohio’s citizens understand the of the arts

30 Describe a personally meaningful arts experience :  What / when / who / where?  Describe a Sensory Memory / Metaphor.  What was the personal value to you?  What was the social or relational value?  What was the value to your community / city?

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