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Maritime Design for the 90% of Us: Implementing Innovation Roberta Weisbrod, Ph.D. Sustainable Ports SNAME Annual Meeting 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Maritime Design for the 90% of Us: Implementing Innovation Roberta Weisbrod, Ph.D. Sustainable Ports SNAME Annual Meeting 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maritime Design for the 90% of Us: Implementing Innovation Roberta Weisbrod, Ph.D. Sustainable Ports SNAME Annual Meeting 2012

2 Content  Defining the need  Why could this be of interest SNAME members?  How do we make it happen? Maritime Design for the 90% of Us

3 Safe affordable ferries for developing nations  Role of ferry transport to economic life and social cohesion  Need for safety  Record of fatalities in developing nations  Statistics  Affordability Defining the Need

4 Interferry amassed statistics:  Based on press accounts (not complete)  Counted fatalities, not number of missing  Listed by nation, date, vessel and specific causes  800+ year Statistics (2000-present)

5  Analyzed record of fatalities  Published peer reviewed papers  Pilot project with Bangladesh  Causes  Sudden hazardous weather  Poorly trained crew  Overloaded vessels  Inappropriate old vessels What are the causes of ferry fatalities?

6  Demonstration projects in Bangladesh and findings from information sharing forum for South East Asia – other causes amenable to correction:  Weather  Training  Overloading  Government policies  Economics Addressing causes other than vessels

7 Sudden hazardous weather – tornadoes on water  Chatty beetle  Texting alerts  Future likely to bring advances – multi-use device with alert Weather

8 Ferry safety training

9 Developing world nations:  Can’t afford new developed world vessels  Purchase after-market vessels, not necessarily appropriate for waterways  To a degree overloading related to vessels; also government policy  IMO study to begin  Vessels have been The intractable problem Vessels and their overloading

10  Emerging markets, EM ( S. America, Africa, Asia) to be larger than US + EU in 2025  US companies benefit from “Reverse Innovation,” designing for EM.  Design for Other 90%: Think Different, “Deep innovation” meet functional need but with extreme affordability  Real opportunity in growing market What’s in it for SNAME members?

11  Vessels aren’t only cause  Vessels highly complex  If such a great idea someone else would have already done it Arguments against vessel focus

12  Recognize the good  Nigeria Eko waterbus  Philippines RoPax  Encourage investments  IMF  Encourage deep innovative design  Design competition  Promotion of concept How to Push Innovation

13 Recognize the good: Eko Water Bus for Lagos

14 Recognize the good: Philippines RoPax

15 Philippines RoPax (interior)

16 IMF (branch of the WB)  Finance for private sector infrastructure in EM  Everything but ferries  But In response to our work, IMF reached out to us  IMF will now undertake ferry infrastructure projects  Important as example to other investors in private sector Get funding for vessels

17  What have we done so far  Formed Advisory Committee (mostly SNAME members)  Worked with academic institutions (Webb, Stevens, SUNY)  Developed schedule  Research agenda in addition to design competition  Stevens students underway (Navy funding)  Gather contacts from schools and trade associations  Promotion  Apply for funding Mount a Design Competition

18 News! Obtained grant  Grant allows us to:  Outreach widely to promote competition  Raise amount of prize money  Have more prizes  Award judges stipend/honorarium  Have a recognition ceremony Design competition status

19  Jan 1, 2013 start  RFP for ferries from developing countries themselves  This year Bangladesh ferry from Dhaka  Quantitative as possible in terms of comparative costs Elements of the Design Competition

20  Materials  Modes of construction  Hull design  Power production  Use of IT  ‘Technology transfer from sectors beyond maritime industry’ Opportunities for innovation

21  To fellow SNAME members:  Where are ideas that could be applied?  Help promote: Academic institutions and trade associations/media that should be contacted  Additional utility beyond the competition Next steps

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