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Instant Information Equals Patient Safety By William J. Dennis.

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Presentation on theme: "Instant Information Equals Patient Safety By William J. Dennis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instant Information Equals Patient Safety By William J. Dennis

2  To understand what Point of Care Technology is.  To understand how it is implemented.  To understand what the benefits of it are.  To understand why it is beneficial for the patient.

3  Utilizing wireless networks, software and hardware to allow access to information, charting, medicine administration to accurately and safely provide care to patients in hospitals, nursing homes and other health care settings.

4  What is POCT?  Where would it be useful?  Why would it?  When is it going to happen?  How?


6  No, that is P O T C  You can groan now if you’d like

7  Instant  Convenient  Wireless, yet connected  Safety for the patient

8  The speed of new processors greatly reduces search time.  A few clicks and you have the information you need.  It is always at hand.

9  It is already where the patient is.  It is portable.  It is readily accessible

10  It allows nurses and physicians to take the information where it needs to be.  It allows for more information in less space and or weight. (Carry 10 charts or 1 PDA?)  It allows access to the worlds largest library and information source… the WEB

11  The questions and data concerning the patient can be addressed at the time without leaving the room to look it up.  Less apt to “slip your mind”  Charting can be done at bedside while you are doing care.

12  PDAs  Lap Top PCs  Mobile Desk Top PCs  Wireless Routers  Notebook PCs


14  Hand held  Multi-task capable  Not just a phone  Internet ready  A pocket sized PC

15  Check labs or diagnostics from electronic chart  Call in a consult  Send critical data  And all from beside the patients bed

16  MobileNurse: Hand-held information system  Four Modules:  Patient Information Management  Medical Order Check  Nursing Recording  Nursing Care Plan

17  Provides easy input interface and various outputs for Nursing records  Uses PDAs and Mobile Support System  Check orders and view diagnostics at bedside  Easy to use

18  Connectivity? Not always  Virus? What happens when your PDA gets “sick”?  Not uniform “Apple vs. PC”  System crash, can you recover?  Batteries vs. power cord  Portability: What happens when someone walks off with it?

19  Outdated?  Is the product worth the price you pay?  Does it really work? REALLY?

20  More coverage with transmitter/receivers limits dead areas especially in buildings  Anti-virus software and user responsibility – stay away from virus prone sites  Pick a system that works and stay with it. Look for universal compatibility.  As the shirt says, “Jesus saves…after each level”. Backups are a must and separate from main system.  Batteries are getting MUCH better.

21  Keep your eyes on the prize! Be aware of where your toys are and put them away when you are done.  Outdated yes; still works definitely! A ‘68 Mustang will get you there and just as fast as a new one if properly maintained.  Buy just what you need, not the bells and whistles you will never use.  If used properly, the system does work and does make it safer for the patient.

22  Portable: Easy to have with you at all times  Fast: Information instantly at your finger tips.  Safety checks: Bar code scanner. Scan the patient get the CORRECT chart.  Safety checks: Instant updates on patient info.  Safety checks: Complete patient PMH available at time of decision making for future treatment.  Reliable: New technology is better than ever.  User friendly: Software designed to do what you do by those that do it.

23  One big happy family: Use the same equipment system wide.  Point and click: Technology a two year old can operate.  Did I mention safety? Helps reduce common mistakes that risk patient safety.  Phenomenal cosmic power…itty bitty living space!

24  Portable: A LOT of sensitive information that can fit in the pocket of those that would misuse it.  Lack of interest in change: The biggest drawback to utilizing “new “ things.  Fragile: OOPS! “bang” it’s broken.  Redundant apps: How many ways can you do the same thing?  Dead batteries  General mistrust of “Big Brother”

25  Is it Ethical? Doing something to help and increase the level of safety and improving quality of care? Yeah it is ethical  Legal? All information obtained and utilized is gained through consent of the patient. Same as before, the only thing new is the packaging.  The main legal problem is keeping patient information secure and private.

26  Just keep up with the updates and improvements.  Using it everyday will keep you current.

27  Point of Care Technology is the trend of the future. Just as a Carpenter went from the hammer to the nail gun to put things together faster, so should we. It provides accurate information about the patient faster than before. More and better information sooner, allows us to treat and care for patients in a better way and increases their safety level because of it.

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