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Aquabrowser : Implementation at the University of Edinburgh Morag Watson Elize Rowan Edinburgh University Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquabrowser : Implementation at the University of Edinburgh Morag Watson Elize Rowan Edinburgh University Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquabrowser : Implementation at the University of Edinburgh Morag Watson Elize Rowan Edinburgh University Library

2 JIBS 2008 Background Voyager LMS Implemented1998 Encompass Digital Library Products –Federated Search Webfeat –Openurl Resolver 360Link

3 JIBS 2008 Why? User interface not keeping up with technological change Supplier aware of development requirement but not top priority UofE not eager to change LMS supplier Decided to pursue other search options –Encompass –Vertical search –Proprietary / Open Source Solutions

4 JIBS 2008 Selection Market Review –Identified a range of possible services –Established a functional requirement Demonstrations

5 JIBS 2008 Why Aquabrowser? Ease of implementation Speed of implementation Reasonably priced Flexibility Usability and Accessibility

6 JIBS 2008 Implementation Pilot –Available remotely Technical Issues –Windows Servers –LMS nightly extract Building a wish List (Interface Requirements) –Existing Catalogue –Other AquaBrowser sites –Other supplier services

7 JIBS 2008 Wish List Aspects of existing catalogue to be reflected How to link to features in existing catalogue, not in Aquabrowser –e.g. patron functions Which Aquabrowser functionality to implement

8 JIBS 2008 Timescales for Implementation Technical setup – –3 weeks Interface Configuration – 3 weeks Marc Mapping / Data Customisation – 3 weeks

9 JIBS 2008





14 Maximising MARC Opportunity to fully leverage our existing MARC data Return on investment for many years of sourcing/creating high quality metadata Opportunity to re-consider both current and legacy cataloguing practices New view of the underlying MARC data – incl. errors

15 JIBS 2008 Initial set-up Fresh approach – not opac replication Critically reviewed implementations of AquaBrowser pioneers Determined initial data handling approach: – MARC mapping/field handling – Locations (branches) – Refine facets – Occurrence/labelling of fields in results displays

16 JIBS 2008

17 Mining MARC data – the AquaBrowser box of tricks Relevance ranking Stemming

18 JIBS 2008 Stemming Variations

19 JIBS 2008 Mining MARC data – the AquaBrowser box of tricks Relevance ranking Stemming Spelling variants

20 JIBS 2008 Did you mean…?

21 JIBS 2008 Mining MARC data – the AquaBrowser box of tricks Relevance ranking Stemming Spelling variants Associations

22 JIBS 2008 Associations

23 JIBS 2008 Mining MARC data – the AquaBrowser box of tricks Relevance ranking Stemming Spelling variants Associations Synonyms or translations

24 JIBS 2008 Mining MARC data – the AquaBrowser box of tricks Relevance ranking Stemming Spelling variants Associations Synonyms or translations Refine facets

25 JIBS 2008 Location refine

26 JIBS 2008 Refines / Facets

27 JIBS 2008 Format icons

28 JIBS 2008 MARC – what next? Post implementation review Lessons learnt A FRBRised future

29 JIBS 2008 FRBR

30 JIBS 2008 Launch Library Website –Aquabrowser : a new way to use the library catalogue –Voyager catalogue still available and linked from AquaBrowser University Portal Student Induction Complimentary not Competing

31 JIBS 2008 Statistics Usage –Number of sessions per day, per hour, per month –Frequent Visitors Searching –Top Queries –Top searches with no hits –Sort / Refine Options Technical –Client Environments / Browsers

32 JIBS 2008 September 2008

33 JIBS 2008 October 2008

34 JIBS 2008 Hourly Use

35 JIBS 2008 Sort Options

36 JIBS 2008 Use of Refine Options

37 JIBS 2008 Most Popular Search Terms

38 JIBS 2008 No hits

39 JIBS 2008 What next Integration with Federated Search

40 JIBS 2008 Link to E-Resources

41 JIBS 2008 Link to E-Resources

42 JIBS 2008 What next Integration with Federated Search Content Enrichment

43 JIBS 2008 Book Covers

44 JIBS 2008 Tables of Contents

45 JIBS 2008 MyDiscoveries

46 JIBS 2008 What next Integration with Federated Search Content Enrichment Better integration with existing catalogue –Availability Information Development of existing catalogue User led evaluation

47 Aquabrowser : Implementation at the University of Edinburgh Morag Watson Elize Rowan Edinburgh University Library

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