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2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project What is a Twinning Project and how to Make it a Success ? Peter Kessler.

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1 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project What is a Twinning Project and how to Make it a Success ? Peter Kessler Zagreb, 18 October 2007

2 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Twinning: Partnership of Administrations  Experts from EU Member States (MS) cooperate with experts from a beneficiary country  Direct transfer of expertise and experience into the beneficiary country  Ongoing contact between administrations beyond the term of the project desirable

3 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project The Twinning Philosophy Helping beneficiary countries to solve problems the MS themselves had recently: „hands-on, practical experience provided by civil servants from peer administrations“

4 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Possible Topics in the Field of Environmental Protection  Development of a national environmental strategy  Institution building  Development, transposition and implementation of environmental legislation  Environmental monitoring (air and water quality)  … > No projects which are merely technical!

5 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Possible Activities During a Twinning Project  Individual consultation and coaching  Workshops, training seminars, study trips, internships  Bilateral working groups  Development of software programs  Review of administrative procedures  Development of guidelines and manuals  Public awareness programmes ....

6 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Some Examples with Germany as Partner  Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive including monitoring (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia)  Waste management (Poland, Turkey)  Chemical safety (Bulgaria)  Natura 2000 (Slovakia, Turkey)  National strategy for supporting the industry in its compliance with the environmental legislation (Bulgaria)  Environmental monitoring (Bulgaria, Lithuania, Turkey)

7 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Favourable Prerequisites  Mutual trust  Corresponding expectations  Political will to be successful on both sides  Readiness of the MS experts to adjust to the beneficiary country‘s specific conditions  Readiness of the beneficiary country to provide necessary human and financial resources

8 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Challenges  Wrong expectations  Change of government in the beneficiary country; change of project leader and other partners  Change of RTA or assistents  RTA or Short Term Experts not adjusting to the local situation  Beneficiary country not providing necessary human and financial resources

9 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project Personal Experiences as STE  Assignments in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and Serbia: Intercultural challenge!  Each beneficiary country requires different approach: analysis of the present situation and expectations!  Successful transfer of expertise and experiences or impulse for self-powered initiatives?  Side-effect: inclusion in the EU network of environmental experts

10 2008 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Croatia Twinning Project What Twinning is all about: Bringing together experts and expertise in order to facilitate transposition and implementation of EU legislation

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