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England (1553-1603) The Reign of Mary I and Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth II welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland, Sept. 16, 2010 BBCBBC.

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Presentation on theme: "England (1553-1603) The Reign of Mary I and Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth II welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland, Sept. 16, 2010 BBCBBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 England (1553-1603) The Reign of Mary I and Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth II welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland, Sept. 16, 2010 BBCBBC

2 Queen Mary I, r.1553-1558 Born 1513, ½ sister of Edward and devout Catholic; daughter of Catherine of Aragon U2.7 #1, #2 1554 married Philip II of Spain  Distrust made Catholicism more unpopular  300+ “heretics” were burned at the stake, public mass executions (i.e. Thomas Cranmer, John Hooper)  U7.3 #3 - How did being in exile actually make this group more radical? 1558 Mary dies of stomach cancer  England actually more Protestant than in 1553

3 Queen Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603) Queen Mary I (r.1553-1558)

4 Queen Elizabeth I, (r. 1558-1603) Born 1533, legitimate child?? – Act of Succession, 1534 (but Edward rescinds this act)  imprisoned by Bloody Mary on charges of conspiracy  sexually abused by Catherine Parr’s 4 th husband, Lord Thomas Seymour (also her uncle by marriage) 1558 ascends the throne

5 Elizabethan Religious Settlement, 1559-1603 U2.7 #4 & 5 Re-establishes Church of England (Anglican Church) w/ aid of Sir William Cecil 1559 reaffirms the Act of Supremacy (original AoS, 1534)  Act of Uniformity, 1559 – Book of Common Prayer (Edward VI) broad, ambiguous dogmas that accommodated many believers all required to belong BUT those who refused = Puritans (English Calvinists) & Catholics are mildly tolerated (ignored) as long as they didn’t threaten “unity of her rule”  1563 Thirty–Nine Articles – moderate Protestantism = official religion within the Church of England

6 From left to right are as follows: Philip and Mary with War, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Elizabeth I with Peace and Plenty

7 Catholic & Protestant Extremists  English nobles in Ireland adopt 39-Articles BUT  native Irish remain Catholic - view the Church of Ireland as political tool of ruling English class Catholic extremists supported by Spain and France  U2.7 #6 Puritans, Presbyterians and Congregationalists also a problem U2.7 #7

8 Deterioration of Relations with Spain U2.7 #8 1567, Spain troops under Duke of Alba occupy Netherlands – is England the next target? 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth “Sea Beggars” take Brill in the Netherlands 1571 Spain defeat Turks in Battle of Lepanto = English enter defense pact w/ France 1570s state-sanctioned piracy against Spanish begins 1585, Treaty of Nonsuch = English soldiers and cavalry sent to Netherlands

9 Elizabeth I (Tudor) Mary,Queen of Scots (Stuart) U2.7 #9

10 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots Queen of Scotland, Catholic; heir to English throne after Elizabeth 1568, forced to flee by John Knox’s Calvinists (Presbyterians)  also possibly involved with death/murder of first husband, Lord Darnley believed to be involved in several plots to take throne from Elizabeth  1571 Ridolfi Plot  1582 Duke of Guise Plot  1583 Throckmorton Plot  1586 Babington Plot Feb. 18, 1587 beheaded after 19 years internment

11 Defeat of the Spanish ArmadaDefeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588 Spanish Fleet: led by Duke of Medina-Sidonia - 25,000 Spanish sailors, 130 ships, 123,790 cannonballs English fleet: led by Sir Francis Drake - 197 ships– smaller, more agile (U2.7#10)

12 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588 The Spanish Plan : to reach the Netherlands and pick up the Duke of Parma’s men – get them across to England for war! Problems: Winds vs. them – takes 3 wks to reach N. Spain, then…  July 30 – 1 st battle – then English follow the Armada up the Channel  August 6 – Calais – but Duke of Parma isn’t ready Armada low on water, food, ammunition & English are preparing an attack to prevent the rendezvous of the Armada and the Duke’s army


14 Defeat of the Spanish ArmadaDefeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588 August 7 – English attack – with fireships – set some of the larger Spanish galleys on fire By 4pm on Aug 8…  Spanish face defeat so escape to North Sea --- lose numerous ships to wind – run aground on cliffs of Ireland --- tragedy!!! By Aug 12 Duke of Medina-Sidonia capitulates  15,000-20,000 Spaniards dead – ½ of the navy  Between 1/3 and ½ of Spanish ships destroyed The invincible armada católica is defeated! England = new European naval super power

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