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Fit for the future; the challenges of an expanding customer base Joint JIBS-Eduserv Seminar, Wednesday 16 June 2010 Josephine Burt, The Open University.

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Presentation on theme: "Fit for the future; the challenges of an expanding customer base Joint JIBS-Eduserv Seminar, Wednesday 16 June 2010 Josephine Burt, The Open University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fit for the future; the challenges of an expanding customer base Joint JIBS-Eduserv Seminar, Wednesday 16 June 2010 Josephine Burt, The Open University

2 Contents OU context Libraries of the future Challenges for the OU Case studies Key messages

3 Context - The Open University 13 regional centres Single module, certificate, diplomas, awards, PG, research Materials - paper- based, blended and online learning Europe and worldwide 570 modules

4 Open University students no previous qualifications required 150,000 undergraduate students 30,000 postgraduate students 10,000 students have disabilities 30,000 students live outside UK Part-time study –70% of undergraduates in full-time employment –50% sponsored by employer 2,000,000 OU alumni

5 OU on TV

6 Context - OU Partnerships About 150 partnership agreements Europe and international (Africa, India, China) Negotiated by – OU Worldwide – OU Validation Services – Centre for Continuing Professional Development – Strategic and Curriculum partnerships typology of partnerships -13 types – direct, collaborative, licensed, etc 52,000 students

7 So what? The world is changing

8 Libraries 2020 Will they exist? –Or will we live in a Google world What library activities will be important? – and what will we not be doing What assets/features/skills do we need to focus on? How do we add value to the student experience/our institutions?

9 OU 2013 More collaborative activity - working in partnership –International strategy Employer engagement Not for loss work –Social justice Other enquiries = challenges

10 Mapping partnerships Challenges – complexity – establishing student numbers and full time equivalents (FTEs) – modelling groups –managing expectations of library services –definition of OU student!

11 Licences Challenges – model licence – terms of licences – bolt-on clauses – range of potential users

12 Access and Authentication Challenges – definition of user groups – definition of groups of resources (permission sets) – influencing other internal teams –keeping legal

13 Case studies

14 Further challenges (for us) Development project – non - standard service – not core business – funding and staff resources E-books

15 OU progress in 3 years Influencing JISC collections, publishers etc Membership of JIBs, UKSG, etc Information sharing with colleagues Implementation of Shibboleth Services for Retired staff, Locally employed tutors Open Access information resources - Library and support services to other organisations

16 Josephine Burt, Business Development Manager, Library Services The Open University OU library supporting achievement Thank you!

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