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Renaissance By: Cristian, Dustin. 1533 Queen Elizabeth I is born in Greenwich England on Sept. 7 Daughter of King Henry VIII And Anne Boleyn.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance By: Cristian, Dustin. 1533 Queen Elizabeth I is born in Greenwich England on Sept. 7 Daughter of King Henry VIII And Anne Boleyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance By: Cristian, Dustin

2 1533 Queen Elizabeth I is born in Greenwich England on Sept. 7 Daughter of King Henry VIII And Anne Boleyn

3 1542 The battle of Solway Moss is fought in Nov. The Scottish invaded and under the leadership of Sr. Thomas Wharton they defended themselves and defeated the Scotts.

4 1549 The book of common prayers is imposed Catholic worship ends

5 1558 Elizabeth I becomes queen of England after the death of her half sister Mary

6 1559 Queen Elizabeth is Crownd Queen in January At West Minster Abbey, England

7 1560 Tready of Edinburge between France, England and Scotland On July 6

8 1562 Queen Elizabeth almost dies of Small Pox

9 1585 War with Spain begins as England intervers in support of a rebellion in the Netherlands

10 1588 Lord Howard of Effingham leads England having 34 ships and 163 armed merchant vessels to defeat the Spanish armada with 132 ships

11 1589 John Harrington invents the first flushing water closet

12 1594 First Performance OF Romeo & Jueliet Romeo and Jueliet was based on real lovers in Verona, Italy Who died for each other in the year 1303

13 1599 Globe theatre was built

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