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System of Economic Surveys in Egypt. Agenda Introduction Survey design stages What types of surveys are needed Challenges in surveying the informal sector.

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Presentation on theme: "System of Economic Surveys in Egypt. Agenda Introduction Survey design stages What types of surveys are needed Challenges in surveying the informal sector."— Presentation transcript:

1 System of Economic Surveys in Egypt

2 Agenda Introduction Survey design stages What types of surveys are needed Challenges in surveying the informal sector

3 Introduction Sources of economic statistics 1- Economic censuses 2- Current statistics

4 Introduction 1- Economic censuses It is conducted every five years It includes all the economic activities inside establishments for all sectors. It includes all establishments business /public sector,private sector ( formal, informal, & investment )

5 Introduction Production prerequisites Expenses & revenues Working Capital Fixed assets Employments & Wages Production value No. establishments Economic censuses provide data about

6 Introduction 2- Current statistics Its data collected for all activities regularly (monthly, quarterly, annually ) from government, business, public sector and private sector ( formal, informal, investment ).

7 Introduction Sources of current statistics Administrative sources Establishment surveys Economic censuses

8 Introduction - Industrial statistics - Labour statistics - Financial statistics - Trade statistics - Agricultural statistics - Service statistics - Prices statistics - Transportation statistics Fields of current statistics

9 Survey design Stages We designed a questionnaire for every survey 1-Determination of survey targets design We tried to obtain the necessary information to reduce the response burden on data suppliers especially for the private sector. It is updated regularly before the beginning of data collection stage. 2-Questionnaires design

10 3- Frames/ lists It is updated through field work and business register. The main source of frames or lists is the establishment census which is conducted every ten years along with the population census. Survey design Stages

11 Survey design 4- Data collection The main collection method is visits. We have 29 offices (one for every governorate) The data collection activities are carried out by CAPMAS regional offices Survey design Stages

12 Survey design 5-Quality control procedures Survey design Stages Quality control procedures are followed in all stages of survey undertaken such as: Timeliness Completeness Comparability with other sources

13 Survey design Survey design Stages Quality of matching/linking Outlier detection and treatment Quality of data editing Comparing outputs & check discrepancies Keep raw data / to refer back to if necessary 5-Quality control procedures

14 6- Editing and processing - Editing of coverage and completeness. - Editing of consistency. It is one of the main stages of the survey. It started as soon as questionnaires were derived from the field and accomplished by selected work groups as follows: A- Office editing Survey design Stages

15 B- Data processing It included machine data entry and data validation and tabulation. Survey design Stages 6- Editing and processing

16 - Trade - Building and construction - Services Informal sector in the following economic activities (out of establishments) : What types of surveys are needed?

17 Challenges in surveying the informal sector Out of establishment activities Underground economies Unavailability or existence of reliable and or updated survey frames / lists. Low response rates to statistical surveys

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