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Tyler, John, Bob, Janice. Brazil has no official religion, but Roman Catholicism is the predominant faith. Religion is affected in many Brazilian’s everyday.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyler, John, Bob, Janice. Brazil has no official religion, but Roman Catholicism is the predominant faith. Religion is affected in many Brazilian’s everyday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyler, John, Bob, Janice

2 Brazil has no official religion, but Roman Catholicism is the predominant faith. Religion is affected in many Brazilian’s everyday lifestyle.  Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bob

3  The religions of Brazil come from European beliefs such as Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.  Religion is important in Brazil as it can control the education of Brazilian children growing up. Many Brazilians look to their religion as a way to find peace.  One of the most diverse Latin American country in terms of religion, Brazil holds the most Catholics in the world.  Bottom: Curitiba Brazilian Temple Bob


5 09/12/29/sports/s_46ronaldinho.jpg Tyler Balaban

6  Huge gap between few very wealthy and great mass of poor citizens  Many of the rural migrants have no choice but to settle in favelas  Cycle continues, poor people breed more poor people Tyler Balaban

7  Population distribution: 81% Urban 19% rural  194 million people (5 th in the world)  Population density: 21persons per square Kilometre level/assets/learn_its/alevel/geography/population/population- statistics-and-distribution/2007-10-18_155040.gif Tyler Balaban

8  Traditional nuclear family comprised of husband, wife, children  Close, highly valued family ties  Social change has caused more single parent families jpg Tyler B

9  Brazil family foundation of social structure  Brazil has many more extended families with grandparents living amongst their children  In Favelas many parents abandon children, estimated 1-7 million children live alone on the streets  Majority of children marry, and move close to parents 41861d_o.jpg Tyler Balaban

10  Traditionally, social structure is patriarchal, over last 20 years social change occurred  Many women are now working rather than staying at home  Despite social change, still great deal of sexism, social inequality  Much less socially equal than Canada still 5870149_585241861d_o.jpg Tyler Balaban

11  Languages spoken: Portuguese (official and most widely spoken language)  Spanish (border areas and schools), German, Italian, English, and a large number of minor Amerindian languages  Literacy rate: 88.6 pAgcLYZ43w4/UQ_EHIIr19I/AAAAAAAA9dQ/APUm- BIsljg/s1600/Adriana-Lima-Victoria%25E2%2580%2599s- Secret-Fantasy-Bra.jpg america/j-rhythms-brazil-people.jpg Tyler B

12 Federal republic Janice

13 José SerraMarina Silva Plínio de Arruda Sampaio José Eymael Janice

14 Dilma Rousseff Janic e


16 ● Importance of Democracy ● Social Inequality and Heterogeneity ● Responsibility and risk- taking ● Importance of socialization Janice





21 Brazilian EducationCanadian Education Average years of schooling of adults 4.911.6 Duration of compulsory education 8 years11 years Children out of school, primary 736,95212,419 Education spending (%GDP) 4.2%5.2% Universities> top 500423 Universities>top 20018

22 ● Basic Education is Enough ● Patriarchal and Sexism Janice

23 John Abacioglu

24  Agriculture is well diversified  Largest Cattle herd in the world  Most advanced industry in Latin America  Services industry contributes to 68% of the Nations GDP John A

25  Based on its gross national income per capita  Population is either very wealthy or very poor  Lack of a middle class s John A

26  $2.425 trillion  Growth Rate - 1.3%  Per Capita - $12,000  Division Amongst Sectors: agriculture: 5.4% industry: 27.4% services: 67.2% union2.htm John A


28 Exports ore soybeans-rise-on-short-covering-ahead-of-holiday-.html hunger r s/Oil-there-isn-t-just-one-set- price/1715-530580-1610.aspx John A

29  “European Style” wealth  Decrease of inflation rates  The poor are able to get rich quick  Top 10% of people represent 50% of the income adventures-in-downward-mobility- poor-rich-kids-is-the-tragicomedy- on-the-other-side-of-graduation/ John A

30 Brazil  Service industry is over 70% of the labor force  Agriculture is a large part of the economy  Cheap labor  Less workers rights Canada  Relies heavily on exports  Service industry is the biggest sector  Imports are due to cheaper international labor  Workers are well protected John A

31  Brazil Industry Sectors | Economy Watch. (n.d.). World, US, China, India Economy, Investment, Finance, Credit Cards | Economy Watch. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from  Brazil. (n.d.). World Bank Group. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from  Brazil Economic sectors, Information about Economic sectors in Brazil. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the world, United Nations, and World Leaders. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from SECTORS.html  Brazil Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Brazil. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the world, United Nations, and World Leaders. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from WEALTH.html  Governence, t. r., & brazilians, h. w. (n.d.). In Brazil: The Poor Get Richer Faster - Forbes. Information for the World's Business Leaders - Retrieved May 2, 2013, from faster/  NationMaster - Economy stats: Brazil vs Canada. (n.d.). NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons. Retrieved May 2, 2013, from John A


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