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Digital Checks for Understanding: The Tweet, The Snap and Co. TESOL 2015 Toronto, Ontario Ms. Jennifer Meyer, Ed.S. and Harriet Strahlamn, Ed.S. Bedford.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Checks for Understanding: The Tweet, The Snap and Co. TESOL 2015 Toronto, Ontario Ms. Jennifer Meyer, Ed.S. and Harriet Strahlamn, Ed.S. Bedford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Checks for Understanding: The Tweet, The Snap and Co. TESOL 2015 Toronto, Ontario Ms. Jennifer Meyer, Ed.S. and Harriet Strahlamn, Ed.S. Bedford County Schools TTU, Cumberland County Schools ©2014-2015

2 Media for Today PollEverywhere Snapchat Twitter

3 Learning in a Digital Age Some teachers aren't interested in giving up their role as lecturer, says Sara Schapiro, director of the League of Innovative Schools, which is part of Digital Promise. "If you've taught for 30 years at the front of the class and all of a sudden your kids are researching things on Google and coming up with projects where they are the expert on a certain topic, you are sort of ceding control of your classroom in a way that's uncomfortable for some teachers," says Schapiro. "It's a new role, to be in a digital classroom. You're not standing in front of the room anymore and delivering a lecture. You are more of a roving conductor."

4 Checks for Understanding Robert Marzano believes that teachers who set goals and check for understanding will be effective. Teachers should also give positive feedback for student progress. If students do not understand, a teacher may need to go back and re-teach certain concepts. Teachers should also help students interact with new information by chunking smaller sections and then checking for understanding, using media, making predictions and responding in writing. The more engagement and ownership of the learning, the more students will retain.

5 PollEverywhere A private company based in San Francisco created in 2007 Online service for classroom/audience response systems Uses mobile phones Eliminates the need for expensive clicker systems Can be accessed via text or website Answers can be converted to PPT slides for later viewing/reviewing

6 Presenting a poll to your audience Tips and best practices Now I’m going to ask for your opinion. You’ll use your phones to respond just like on American Idol. So please take out your cell phones, but remember to leave them on silent. You’ll participate by sending a text message or visiting my voting web page from any browser. Explain what’s going on 1 1 Address their concerns 2 2 Do a demo or practice poll 3 3 This is a just standard rate text message, so it may be free for you, or up to twenty cents on some carriers if you do not have a text messaging plan. The service we are using is serious about privacy. We cannot see your phone numbers, and you’ll never receive follow-up text messages outside this presentation. There’s only one thing worse than email spam – and that’s text message spam!” Let’s do a quick poll now to get the hang of it. Everyone take out your mobile phone and tell me your first name (or where you traveled from today, or what you for breakfast, or your favorite cola, or anything you like.) – (If voting by text message), start a new message and put the phone number or five digit code in the “to” line. Put the key code followed by your answer in the body of the message. – (If voting via the web), visit personal pollev page). Wait for the poll and respond with a click. Example language

7 From any browser 143780 From a text message Participating with Poll Everywhere How to vote via the web or text messaging 37607


9 SnapChat SnapChat is a free photo messaging application for mobile devices. You can take photos or videos, draw on them, write on them and send them to a controlled list of users. After a few seconds, length is determined by the user, the images disappear from view and are deleted from the SnapChat servers. You can, however, screen capture the snap and thereby save it to your device.

10 SnapChat


12 oppositeCapture an image or a video to define the word:opposite Embellish your image with additional artwork to enhance the meaning. Touch the pencil. Draw. Touch the pencil when you’re finished. Tap the screen for the keyboard. Type a synonym of the word on the screen. Make sure you adjust the setting to 10 seconds! And save a copy! Then send me your snap. msmeyeresl

13 Instead of Snapchat Glow Draw! Color Effects

14 Grading Rubric Is the image/video appropriate, applicable and immediately understandable? Is the synonym correct? Do the embellishments add to the meaning?

15 Twitter A free online social networking service Users send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets" Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users can use # hashtags to organize tweets, also to search for tweets of similar content Users can participate in group chats using special hashtags


17 Tweet your favorite mobile app Use a few words to describe it Use the hashtag #msmeyeresltn

18 Twitter Tweet me a private message @jennylynn41069@jennylynn41069 What is the most helpful thing you have learned so far today?

19 Resources Retrieved November 2, 2014 Hanford, E. (Producer), & Smith, S. (Performer) (2013, August). One child at a time: learning in the digital age. American RadioWorks. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from learning/ learning/ Concordia Online Education. (2012, October 31). Overview of Robert Marzano's model of teaching effectiveness [Web log message]. Retrieved from instruction/overview-of-robert-marzanos-model-of-teaching-effectiveness/ instruction/overview-of-robert-marzanos-model-of-teaching-effectiveness/ wasnt-talking-snapchatting-me-pics-homework wasnt-talking-snapchatting-me-pics-homework

20 Questions Ms. Jennifer Meyer, Ed.S. Bedford County Schools Shelbyville, Tennessee Southside Elementary Tel. +1 (931) 684-7112 Email: Website: Social Media: jennylynn41069

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