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Checkpoints (234) 3 check points G1 checkpoint G2 checkpoint Mitosis checkpoint.

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2 Checkpoints (234) 3 check points G1 checkpoint G2 checkpoint Mitosis checkpoint

3 Cancer Definition Group of cells which displays uncontrolled growth This growth can destroy surrounding tissue

4 2 Kinds Malignant This is able to move from one place to another; from one organ to a different organ in the body (metastasis) Benign Do not move Have the capability of going from benign to malignant

5 Treatment Drugs – kill fast growing cells Drugs are chemicals so it is called chemotherapy or “chemo” Surgery Radiation therapy – high-energy rays are focused on “infected” area

6 Prevention – mutagens Avoid things that cause cancer UV radiation – sun Chemicals in cigarettes Radiation X-rays Gamma rays

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