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Include Foods = 1/2 Calcium- rich Source 2 servings = 1 calcium-rich food 1/2 cup pudding 1/2 cup frozen yogurt or ice cream 1/2 cup mustard or turnip.

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Presentation on theme: "Include Foods = 1/2 Calcium- rich Source 2 servings = 1 calcium-rich food 1/2 cup pudding 1/2 cup frozen yogurt or ice cream 1/2 cup mustard or turnip."— Presentation transcript:

1 Include Foods = 1/2 Calcium- rich Source 2 servings = 1 calcium-rich food 1/2 cup pudding 1/2 cup frozen yogurt or ice cream 1/2 cup mustard or turnip greens 1/2 cup cooked rhubarb 1/3 cup almonds 1 piece cornbread

2 Include Foods = 1/4 Calcium- rich Source 4 servings = 1 calcium-rich food 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup broccoli, kale, or okra 1 cup romaine lettuce 1/2 cup cooked beans 1 medium orange 2 dried figs 3 oz fresh fish or seafood 1/2 English muffin

3 Show Me the Calcium


5 Calcium Check Up How many servings do you eat? Calcium-rich foods Servings x 1 = 1/2 calcium-rich foods Servings ÷ 2 = 1/4 calcium-rich foods Servings ÷ 4 = Are you getting enough calcium? Is your total = 3 or 4?

6 Do You Need Calcium/vitamin D Supplements? Lactose intolerant or allergic to milk? Avoid milk/dairy foods? On a strict weight-loss diet? Over age 50, consume little milk and/or do not get sun exposure? On long-term steroid therapy?

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