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4.01 Explain the importance and types of selling..

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1 4.01 Explain the importance and types of selling.

2 Selling Selling is the exchange of goods and ___________ from producers to consumers for a price. Businesses and sponsors might purchase incentives, media time, naming _________, pre-/post-game entertainment, signage, tickets (group or season), and products designed for the corporation's target __________.

3 Selling Continued... Sales of sponsored products should ______________ as a result of advertisement at an event. Sponsors pay a rights fee for media time to a sports or ____________ organization for the opportunity to provide broadcasts.

4 Data-based marketing Data-based marketing involves the collection or information about past, current, and potential _____________. In sports marketing, a database is needed to generate leads or sources of new customers.

5 Data-based marketing continued... One common way to generate leads is through telemarketing. Telemarketing is communicating with customers via the _______________. Ex: Sales rep. from Nike call customers who recently _____________ the new Jordan shoes to offer them a 2 nd pair at 25 discount

6 Personal Selling Personal selling is a two-way __________________ between a representative of the company and the customer. Ex: A _______________ at the Carolina Hurricanes team store, The Eye, selling an authentic team jersey to a fan.

7 Business to _________ Selling B2B selling takes place in a manufacturer’s or wholesaler’s showroom (inside sales) or a customer’s place of ____________ (outside sales). Ex: Good Year Tire Corporation making a sales presentation at Hendrick Motor Sports

8 Direct Mail Direct mail is personal and received in the __________. Used to initiate the sales process. Ex: Carolina Panthers _____ information introducing their new Fan Rewards program.

9 Internet Selling Internet Selling (www) is executed using the _________. Ex: A Monsters, Inc. fan purchasing the DVD, or a customer purchasing stuffed toys from

10 Customer vs. Consumer The customer is the person who _______ the product or service The consumer is the person who ________ the product or service Ex: Mary selected season tickets to the Carolina Hurricanes for her husband’s 40 th birthday. Mary purchased 2 tickets so her husband could take a friend. Mary is the ______________, while her husband and his friend are the _________________.

11 Need vs. Want A ______ is anything necessary or required to live. EX: We all need food to survive. A _____ is an unfulfilled desire. EX: Tickets to a Carolina Panthers football game. It is crucial that sports and entertainment businesses help customers recognize the value and need of the ____________.

12 Selling and Full-Menu Marketing _____________ helps customers make informed buying decisions, which results in customer satisfaction and repeat ______________. Full-menu marketing is having products or services that meet virtually any customer's _________ and/or wants.

13 Feature-Benefit Selling Product _____________ are the basic, physical, and extended characteristics of an item. Ex: Purchasing front row seats at the Emmy Awards Involves matching the characteristics of a products to a customer’s needs and _______. EX: A company leases a suite at the Emmy Awards to host their preferred clientele.

14 Feature-Benefit Selling Continued... Customer benefits are the advantages or personal satisfaction a customer will get from a good or _____________. Ex: The benefit of being on the front row at the Emmy Awards results in better _____________ of the awards and presentations.

15 Customer Buying Motives Buying motives are the motives for customers to purchase a ___________. Rational motives Emotional motives Patronage motives

16 Rational Motives Based on conscious, logical thinking and decision making. Product dependability, time or monetary savings, quality, and price are rational motives for buying or ______________ a products or service. Ex: A person purchases lawn sets for a Fantasia concert instead of the more ________________ stadium seats.

17 Emotional Motives Based on ___________ Social approval, recognition, power, love, and prestige are _____________ motives for buying or purchasing a product Ex: A parent camping out overnight to get front row seats to the JayZ concert for her daughter’s 13 th _______________.

18 Patronage Motives- Based on loyalty Low _________, high quality, friendly staff, great _____________ service, merchandise assortment, and/or convenience of location are patronage motives for buying or purchasing a product. Ex: Alyssa only purchases her son’s cross country shoes at the Run for Your Life athletic shoe __________ because of their excellent customer ______________ and close proximity to her home.

19 Decision Making Process _____________ go through a decision- making process in order to determine what products they will ________.

20 Extensive Decision-Making Occurs when there is a high level or perceived risk, a product or service is very expensive or has a high value to the customer. A customer will conduct research and evaluate product alternatives before making a __________ Ex: The Buffalo Bills equipment manager decides whether equipment should be purchased from All- star Athletics or Winners Incorporated.

21 Limited Decision Making Occurs when a _____________ buys products that he or she has _________ before but not regularly. Ex: The Carolina Little League Team decides whether to _________________ in the local paper this season or continue with the same billboard as they had last year.

22 Routine Decision Making Occurs when little _____________ is needed about the product being purchased Ex: Mountainview High School baseball coach always purchases the teams chewing gum from the local wholesale store.

23 Activities that take Place During the Preapproach Product information Reviewing current trade periodicals Sources and methods of prospecting

24 Product Information Knowing how to ________ and care for a product is essential when educating consumers and demonstrating a product. EX: Demonstrating to a customer the proper way to oil a baseball glove. Four sources of product information are direct experience, written publications, other __________, and formal training. Ex: Debbi is a sales associate for Foot Locker. She attends an Adidas clinic on the proper way to fit children for __________.

25 Reviewing Current Trade Periodicals It is crucial to stay abreast of current trends and industry ________________. The sales manager for the Carolina Hurricanes subscribes to Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal

26 Sources and Methods of Prospecting A prospect is a potential _______. Ex. Employer leads, ______________ directories, trade and professional directories, commercial lists, customer referrals and cold canvassing. Ex. The Miami Heat purchases the mailing list of the top 50 Fortune _____ companies

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