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Natural Resource Conservation Service Local Work Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Resource Conservation Service Local Work Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Resource Conservation Service Local Work Groups

2 Local Work Groups Provide Advice to NRCS on: Implementing Programs Local ranking criteria and application process Local ranking criteria and application process Local cost-share rates and payment levels Local cost-share rates and payment levels Eligible conservation practices Eligible conservation practices Natural resource conditions and priority concerns Natural resource conditions and priority concerns

3 Implementing Programs Local ranking criteria and application process Local ranking criteria and application process Local cost-share rates and payment levels Local cost-share rates and payment levels Eligible conservation practices Eligible conservation practices Natural resource conditions and priority concerns Natural resource conditions and priority concerns Other Issues Education and training needed by producers Education and training needed by producers The need for new innovative conservation practices The need for new innovative conservation practices Public outreach and information efforts Public outreach and information efforts Program performance indicators Program performance indicators Local Work Groups Provide Advice to NRCS on:

4 Local Work Group Organization

5 Local Work Group Participants NRCS District Conservationist Conservation district board members Conservation district manager Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee members FSA county executive director Cooperative Extension agent State or local elected or appointed officials Tribal representatives Other Federal and State government representatives Until 2008 Farm Bill

6 Local Work Group Participants NRCS District Conservationist Conservation district board members Conservation district manager Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee members FSA county executive director Cooperative Extension agent State or local elected or appointed officials Tribal representatives Other Federal and State government representatives Non-governmental organizations no longer prohibited After 2008 Farm Bill

7 To Get On Your Local Work Group, Contact: NRCS District Conservationist NRCS State Conservationist Local Conservation District

8 Get Involved!

9 Duane Hovorka

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