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Vic Suller A S T e C What is it? A New Structure within CLRC Formed April 2001 Critical Mass of Accelerator specialists Why? To provide strategic accelerator.

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Presentation on theme: "Vic Suller A S T e C What is it? A New Structure within CLRC Formed April 2001 Critical Mass of Accelerator specialists Why? To provide strategic accelerator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vic Suller A S T e C What is it? A New Structure within CLRC Formed April 2001 Critical Mass of Accelerator specialists Why? To provide strategic accelerator competence UK contribution to international accelerator based facilities

2 Vic Suller A S T e C - structure How? A regrouping of existing staff Mainly, but not exclusively, at Daresbury Lab Skill Base Accelerator Physics Magnets and Insertion Devices Radio Frequency Science Vacuum Science Diagnostics Geodesy and Alignment Staff numbers Now - 27 Proposed - 37 (41)

3 Vic Suller A S T e C - program Themes DIAMOND SRS developments 4GLS Linear colliders High power proton accelerators Neutrino factory/muon collider Accelerator technology Collaborations UK Universities DESY (Tesla) SLAC Spring 8 Funds Program - £0.5M pa Staff costs - £2.0M pa

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