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GIS-Tranplan Interface Sponsored by: Iowa DOT Project Team Members: Jerry Shadewald Richard Storm.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS-Tranplan Interface Sponsored by: Iowa DOT Project Team Members: Jerry Shadewald Richard Storm."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS-Tranplan Interface Sponsored by: Iowa DOT Project Team Members: Jerry Shadewald Richard Storm

2 Transportation Modeling History 1950’s –Traditional Four Step Modeling Process 1960’s and 1970’s –Main Frame Computers 1980’s –Personal Computers using Tranplan 1990’s –Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

3 Tranplan and ArcView Tranplan –Familiarity with Program. –State-wide License in Iowa. –Proven Performance. ArcView –Selected as Main Focus of Project Team –Premier GIS Package on Market Today –Required of MPO’s by TAZ-UP.

4 Previous Interfaces FORTRAN Based DOS Inputs –Rigid Requirements –No Help Options –Input Errors “Crashed” Program

5 Current Interface Visual Basic Based Windows Inputs –User-Friendly Forms –Tool-Tip Help Screens –Automatic Error Sensing and Reporting

6 Building a Network Create a Tranplan Network –Nodes, Links Coordinates Create a New Network –Trace Network over Aerials in ArcView Netcard Splitter –Use Tranplan Binary File Edit Network

7 ArcView Operating The Interface Pull-Down Menus Added

8 Creating A Tranplan Network Tranplan Network –Use Formatted Nodes and Links Files to Create an ArcView Network.

9 Create A New Network New Network –Trace an aerial in ArcView to Create Formatted Nodes and Links Files.

10 Tranplan Network In ArcView

11 Tranplan Control Files Automated Tranplan Control File Creation. –Standard Network Builder –Runs the Build Highway Network Module

12 Tranplan Control Files Default Module Builder –Optional Control File to Complete Modeling Process. –Instructs Tranplan to Create All Required Files for Analysis Tools. User-Created Control File

13 Adding Tranplan Output Tranplan is Executed by the Interface. Netcard is Opened. Output is Added to the Network.

14 Tranplan Output in ArcView Loaded Link Volumes and Centroid Values

15 Calibration And Analysis Tools Calibration Plot –Ratio between Loaded and Counted Volumes –Colored According to Ratio –Sized by Loaded Volume

16 Calibration And Analysis Tools Screen/Cut/Cordon Line

17 Calibration And Analysis Tools Select Link Analysis –Select Link Tree –Select Link Origins –Select Link Destinations –Select Link O/D Ratio

18 Select Link Tree

19 Select Link O/D Ratio

20 Calibration And Analysis Tools Shortest Path Finder –User Selects Two Centroids in ArcView

21 Calibration And Analysis Tools Origin to Destination Desire Line –User Selects Two Centroids in ArcView –Loaded Volume Between Points is Displayed.

22 Calibration And Analysis Tools Turning Movement Display –User Selects up to Ten Nodes.

23 Continuing Research Scenario Analysis –Buffer Volume Difference –Turning Movement Comparison –STEAM

24 Continuing Research Subarea Analysis using CORSIM Statistical Analysis of Tranplan output

25 Conclusions Advantages –Visualize Data –Novice Tranplan Users –Calibration and Analysis Tools Built-in –Debugging Data in GIS Environment Disadvantages –Requires More Software Packages –Less Hands-On with Data and Network –“Black Box”

26 Questions And Comments Please Feel Free to Ask Questions Concerning the Interface. For More Information, See the Web at: Enhance/web/ E-mail – –

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