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Weir DM/DMA Getting Started Tips and procedures for setting up and starting a process automated Weir DM analysis TEA Systems Corp. 65 Schlossburg St. Alburtis,

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Presentation on theme: "Weir DM/DMA Getting Started Tips and procedures for setting up and starting a process automated Weir DM analysis TEA Systems Corp. 65 Schlossburg St. Alburtis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weir DM/DMA Getting Started Tips and procedures for setting up and starting a process automated Weir DM analysis TEA Systems Corp. 65 Schlossburg St. Alburtis, PA 18011 610 682 4146 July 28, 2004

2 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -2- Project Summary Program:Weir DM/DMA Overview: ?A Weir DM or DMA analysis has four key elements that must be setup. The first is the Weir DM macro that contains all of the remaining element information with the exception of the data import filter. These elements are: Weir DM macro –Defines the analysis program sequence and files –Contains all of the following information … –Stored in the applications “Templates” sub-folder as Excel files ending in “.XLT” Weir PSFM Calibration template –Defines the calibration values for converting PSFM Reticle overlay data to focus data. –Stored in the applications “Templates” sub-folder in file “ WEIRpsfm.tpl” Data directory path Data import filter type to use –NOTE: This filter is NOT currently stored in the Weir DM macro –Must be set from the Weir DM “Tools/Options” menu. Sections ?Weir DM Macro Setup Weir PSFM Focus Matrix Weir PSFM Fixed Focus Weir PW metrology ?Moving a Weir DM Macro ?Running an Automated DMA Calling Command switches Analysis Status Log Output format

3 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -3- Running Weir DMA Remote calling of Weir DM macros

4 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -4- Run-log format Default folder = %Weir DM home% ?Default = Weir DM home folder ?To change use “Tools/Options” menu and the DMA tab File Name ?RemoteCall.Log ?Format = ASCII Contents ?Contains analysis summary plus any errors ?Sample: ____ Weir DMA: ver: 3.8.55‘ start of new analysis System ID: 1C2CE5A7 Analysis Start: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:36:50 PM ‘ next line is the input command line Cmd: -t "C:\Program Files\Weir Wavefront Engineering\Templates\DS1_FF_DMtemplate.XLT" -d 040525153141.txt -o D:\TEMP -x D:\TEMP runDM Start: 2:36:50 PM cmdLineParse Start: 2:36:50 PM‘ command line interpreted correctly DM Start: 2:36:50 PM runDMoutput Start: 2:36:59 PM‘ actual analysis start Output: D:\Temp\040525153141_WeirDMA.csv‘ output to ASCII file Output 56 statistics. OutputXLS: D:\Temp\040525153141_WeirDMA.xls ‘ optional output to excel workbook Output 56 statistics. run DM successful‘ signifies completion without errors Analysis End: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:37:00 PM ____ A run-log is maintained so that every analysis can be traced. Log is accessed from the Weir DM menu or by text editor

5 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential Weir DM Macro Setup

6 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -6- Weir DM Macro Types Weir PSFM focus reticle analyses ?Focus/Expo Matrix Functionality –Best image analysis of lens aerial image Requirements –Benchmark PSFM reticle –Initial dataset of a PSFM Focus matrix ?Fixed-Focus Analysis Functionality –Analysis of wafer flatness, photoresist flatness, process focus and exposure tool autofocus/ auto-leveling stability. Requirements –Benchmark PSFM reticle –Initial dataset of PSFM fixed-focus, full-wafer »Same layout and exposure as monitor wafers will be »Same exposure as PSFM calibration tempalte –Existing Weir PSFM Calibration Template »Generated by Weir PSFm from a PSFM focus matrix wafer »Stored in the Weir PSFM Calibratin template librarty (“WeirPSFM.tpl”) Weir PW analyses ?Raw Metrology ?Tool Monitor Raw metrology and tool Monitor are same Statistics and modeling on any metrology data set Requirements –Initial data set with same exposure and layout as future daily monitors

7 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -7- Focus/Expo Macro flow Select Macro Select Data Import data & save Calibrate Offset vs Focus Display current- data graphic Update Trend charts Weir DMA output to ASCII (*.csv) and Excel (*.xls) files Weir DMA outputs status and any errors to RemoteCall.log Optional: Model best focus field

8 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -8- Fixed-Focus Macro flow Select Macro Select Data Import data & save Weir PSFM Calibration Template: Convert offset to focus Display current- data graphic Update Trend charts Weir DMA output to ASCII (*.csv) and Excel (*.xls) files Weir DMA outputs status and any errors to RemoteCall.log Optional: Model wafer and field focus

9 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -9- Raw Metrology & Tool Monitor flow Select Macro Select Data Import data & save Display current- data graphic Update Trend charts Weir DMA output to ASCII (*.csv) and Excel (*.xls) files Weir DMA outputs status and any errors to RemoteCall.log Optional: Model wafer and field focus

10 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -10- Moving a Weir DM macro When moving a Weir DM macro to another computer: ?Copy the macro (*.XLT) into the new computer’s template directory ?Copy the “WeirPSFM.tpl” template library to the new computer’s template directory ONLY if the macro is for Weir PSFM Fixed Focus ONLY if the template does not already exist on the new computer ?Make sure the directories in the macro correspond to those in the new computer: Data directory Macro storage directory Reticle storage directory ?Insure the “Tools/Options” interface in the new computer specifies the proper data import filter.

11 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential Example Analysis

12 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -12- Macro and PSFM Template “DS1_FF_DMtemplate” MACRO “UM DS5” PSFM Calibration Top Fixed focus data used to create MACRO of the analysis. Note that there are 63 sites per field. Bottom-right DS5 PSFM calibration template used to convert offset to focus data.

13 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -13- Initial setup Several files exist in the data directory. Run Weir DM at least one time manually before trying Weir DMA Be sure to watch the status bar in the lower left side of the screen for any problems. This manual interface will NOT output the.csv and.XLS output files

14 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -14- Immediate data results This data reflects the current dataset’s behavior We’ve chosen to plot a wafer map of the RAW FOCUS data along with it’s statistics Note: the Immediate data selections are those that will be output to the DMA output files Note: Sample data sets contain only 7 sites per field compared to the 63 sites of the macro and it’s PSFM calibration template.

15 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -15- First Analysis summary At this point we’ve run 3 data sets through the analysis. The remainder will be run using Weir DMA

16 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -16- Check Weir DMA Options Options interface is located on the Weir DM “Tools/Options” menu. Here we’ve changed the location of the DMA analysis log file “RemoteCall.log” to the “D:\Temp” folder. The Max/Min options will be used to limit the size of this log file.

17 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -17- Running Weir DMA – RemoteCall.log This is the RemoteCall.log format Switches used for the analysis are shown above Screen shows the status output of two successful data runs -t "C:\Program Files\Weir Wavefront Engineering\Templates\DS1_FF_DMtemplate.XLT" -d 040615210805.txt -o D:\TEMP -x D:\TEMP

18 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -18- RemoteCall.log This file will also show any errors encountered and should be monitored regularly. Weir DMA: ver: 3.8.56 System ID: 1C2CE5A7 Analysis Start: Friday, July 30, 2004 4:00:34 PM Cmd: -t "C:\Program Files\Weir Wavefront Engineering\Templates\DS1_FF_DMtemplate.XLT " -d 040615210805.txt -o D:\TEMP -x D:\TEMP runDM Start: 4:00:34 PM cmdLineParse Start: 4:00:34 PM DM Start: 4:00:34 PM runDMoutput Start: 4:00:43 PM Output: D:\Temp\040615210805_WeirDMA.csv Output 55 statistics. OutputXLS: D:\Temp\040615210805_WeirDMA.xls Output 55 statistics. run DM successful Analysis End: Friday, July 30, 2004 4:00:45 PM

19 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -19- Files in output directory Consist of two sets of ASCII and XLS output data files along with the call log.

20 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -20-,FocusMin::,0,,[EndHeader],,,,,,[Results],,,,,,[Z (Mean)],,,Wafers:,1,,Sites/Die:,2,,#Dice:,5,,IFD:,0.199,,BF(Fitted):,0.000,,X Tilt(urad):,0.000,,Y Tilt(urad):,0.000,,Astigmatism:,0.135,,Curv(nm/cm2):,0.000,,IFDresid(um):,0.000,,StDEVresid(um):,0.000,,Count:,10,,Mean:,0.017,,Median:,0.036,,SEM:,0.018,,Maximum:,0.136,,Minimum:,-0.063,,Range:,0.199,,MinMax:,0.136,,StDev:,0.058,,Mean+3Sigma:,0.190,,[EndResults],,,[END],,,FocusMin::,0,,[EndHeader],,,,,,[Results],,,,,,[Z (Mean)],,,Wafers:,1,,Sites/Die:,2,,#Dice:,5,,IFD:,0.199,,BF(Fitted):,0.000,,X Tilt(urad):,0.000,,Y Tilt(urad):,0.000,,Astigmatism:,0.135,,Curv(nm/cm2):,0.000,,IFDresid(um):,0.000,,StDEVresid(um):,0.000,,Count:,10,,Mean:,0.017,,Median:,0.036,,SEM:,0.018,,Maximum:,0.136,,Minimum:,-0.063,,Range:,0.199,,MinMax:,0.136,,StDev:,0.058,,Mean+3Sigma:,0.190,,[EndResults],,,[END],, Output Data File Partial display of output file Specifications are in the manual. Each section of the data is summarized by a header line in “[]” brackets,[Data],,,Program:,Weir DMA,,,,,DataFile:,040525153141.txt,,DataFolder:,D:\Data\UMC\WeirDM Testing,,Template:,DS1_FF_DMtemplate.XLT,,TemplateFolder:,C:\Program Files\Weir Wavefront Engineering\Templates,,AnalysisDate:,7/28/2004,,AnalysisTime:,12:00:00 AM,,Tool:,,,Wafers:,1,,,,,[Header],,,DateTemplateSaved:,7/27/2004,,Analysis:,Fixed Focus,,FocusTemplate:,UMC DS5-Step2,,ConversionMethod:,All Sites,,ModelData:,True,,Statistics:,1,,Graphic:,1,,GraphicData:,0,,WaferFieldGraphic:,Wafer,,GraphicPlot:,Vector,,GraphicDataFormat:,All Points,,Comments:,,,Summary:,Analysis:Fixed Focus:All Sites (UMC DS5-Step2),[Data],,,Program:,Weir DMA,,,,,DataFile:,040525153141.txt,,DataFolder:,D:\Data\UMC\WeirDM Testing,,Template:,DS1_FF_DMtemplate.XLT,,TemplateFolder:,C:\Program Files\Weir Wavefront Engineering\Templates,,AnalysisDate:,7/28/2004,,AnalysisTime:,12:00:00 AM,,Tool:,,,Wafers:,1,,,,,[Header],,,DateTemplateSaved:,7/27/2004,,Analysis:,Fixed Focus,,FocusTemplate:,UMC DS5-Step2,,ConversionMethod:,All Sites,,ModelData:,True,,Statistics:,1,,Graphic:,1,,GraphicData:,0,,WaferFieldGraphic:,Wafer,,GraphicPlot:,Vector,,GraphicDataFormat:,All Points,,Comments:,,,Summary:,Analysis:Fixed Focus:All Sites (UMC DS5-Step2)

21 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -21- Trend summary The modeled summary of the 8 data files can be found if we go back into Weir DM

22 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -22- Data contents Plots the # of sites per field. Only last two data sets correspond to the 63 sites per field of the calibration template

23 TEA Systems Corp. Confidential July 2004Weir DMA - Getting StartedPage -23- Weir DMA Features Complete adaptation to Chinese and Windows 2000 testing Features ?Add ability to limit the size of the RemoteCall.log file (done, Aug. 2004) ?Add ability to select a window size and location in the trend plot for plots with many data entries. ?Add DMA screen for status reporting of DMA calls Interactive beyond RemoteCall.log file. Done Aug. 2004 along with ability to control the length of display time for this screen. ?Add Data Import Format to Template ?Add in ability to select focus models Major task, will require some time. ?Additional features added Ability to select full-field, full wafer and slit/scan models for focus or any metrology variable. ?Optional Email notifications of OOC and problem data sets. ?Weir PW full process window features added

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