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Background Due to the way that the Echelon console calculates watts, it is possible that physical differences between bikes will result in differences.

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Presentation on theme: "Background Due to the way that the Echelon console calculates watts, it is possible that physical differences between bikes will result in differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background Due to the way that the Echelon console calculates watts, it is possible that physical differences between bikes will result in differences in watt readings for the same level of perceived exertion. This means it is possible that with bikes properly calibrated, the values on one bike may feel higher/lower compared to other bikes at the same level of effort. Angle Offset We have created the Angle Offset feature to allow adjustment of the console to account for differences between bikes. The Angle Offset is a % value that will be used by the console to adjust the output watt values up or down. How it Works The Angle Offset is a % value – the range is from -99% to 99% (the default value is 0%). The console applies that value to the watts calculation to adjust the output watt values by the entered %. For example: if a calibrated console calculates 100 watts at a given brake angle and RPMs, and the Angle Offset value is set to -25%, the console will apply the -25% to the 100 and display 75 watts. Note that the adjustment also affects values calculated from the watt number: kCal, Speed and Distance. Usage There are two ways to use the Angle Offset feature: 1)‘Fine tune’ console readings by feel. Often times it is the case that a bike just seems high or low compared to others. In this situation, it is possible to simply go into the menu and adjust the Angle Offset value to bring the bike into line with the feel of the other bikes 2)Utilize a calibration tool (740-8607) to level set the bikes through a detailed procedure (see instructions in this doc). This is a longer process and unnecessary for most cycling rooms, but can bring added consistency to the bikes. Echelon – New Feature: Angle Offset

2 STEP 1 Press and hold the STAGE and END buttons for several seconds to enter the service menu STEP 2 In the service menu, scroll to the CALIBRATION menu, then press the light button to enter the CALIBRATION menu. STEP 3 Using the END button, scroll to the ANGLE OFFSET submenu. Press the LIGHT button to enter the ANGLE OFFSET submenu. STEP 4 Use the END button to increase Angle Offset value, and the STAGE button to decrease value If watt readings are too HIGH: Enter a negative offset %, which will decrease the output watts If watt readings are too LOW: Enter a positive offset %, which will increase the output watts STEP 5 Press LIGHT button to select Angle Offset value. This value will remain in effect until changed. Calibrate the console normally, using either Rider Calibration or service menu calibration. Displayed watt values will always be adjusted by the % offset entered here. Echelon – Angle Offset Instructions

3 Using Calibration Tool to Determine Recommended Angle Offset Value STEP 1 Perform service menu calibration with brake in full up position (see separate instructions if needed). STEP 5 Place the tool on top of the flywheel as shown here STEP 6 Rotate flywheel so tool is under the brake, then turn knob to lower the brake carriage until the front magnets rest in the curve on top of the tool STEP 7 Check Current Angle menu option for reading STEP 8 Use Angle Offset table (next page) to determine value based on Current Angle reading STEP 4 Current Angle displays a value, with the brake fully up, value shown should be 0.0. If it is not, return to step 1 STEP 2 In the service menu, scroll to the CALIBRATE menu, then press the light button to enter the CALIBRATE menu. STEP 3 Using the END button, scroll to the CURRENT ANGLE submenu. Press the LIGHT button to enter the CURRENT ANGLE submenu.

4 Use the Current Angle value found using the calibration tool procedure to determine the proper Angle Offset % to enter into the console Angle Offset Table For Current Angle ValueEnter Angle Offset %.2-4.4-8.6-12.8-16 1.0-20 1.2-24 1.4-28 1.6-32 1.8-36 2.0-40

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