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Group 8 STI/HIV/AIDS. Group members Fartun Abdi Ahmed, GTZ, refugee representative Otom Celestine, Futures Group Herman Tirwosha, UNHCR Namubiru Lydia.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 8 STI/HIV/AIDS. Group members Fartun Abdi Ahmed, GTZ, refugee representative Otom Celestine, Futures Group Herman Tirwosha, UNHCR Namubiru Lydia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 8 STI/HIV/AIDS

2 Group members Fartun Abdi Ahmed, GTZ, refugee representative Otom Celestine, Futures Group Herman Tirwosha, UNHCR Namubiru Lydia Mugalu, Mbogo HC Dan Koros, IRC Mary Otieno, UNFPA Wilma Doedens, UNFPA (facilitator)

3 STI/HIV/AIDS Review 2006 TOR 1.Compile standardized package of training materials Status:  No standardized package yet  Many materials exist (WHO STI modules, MSI curriculum, national training materials on VCT, PMTCT, mgmt of OI, ARV, GIPA-guidance note from UNAIDS,..) Challenges  (How) is training conducted, who can train, who provides funding for transport and materials? Recommendations:  Compile a comprehensive list of training materials and supporting documents  IAWG agencies must put training on STI/HIV/AIDS in their work plan and budget  Develop a set of 2-day refresher trainings for in-service training

4 STI/HIV/AIDS Review 2006 TOR 2.Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on HIV/AIDS in emergencies Status:  Ongoing with involvement of ARC, IRC, UNFPA, and Women’s Commission Recommendation:  Continue advocacy for inclusion of RH in guidelines 3.InterAction HIV/AIDS working group? Status: Unknown Recommendation:  Remove from TOR

5 STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8  Better involve community to improve quality and access and address stigma Challenges:  Community programmes and IEC messages should be developed based on research on local culture and beliefs Activity:  Develop guide on designing community programs to address stigma: outline research methodologies, good practices, examples of messages, lessons learned, etc. (IRC/UNFPA/UNHCR/…)  Increase use of “Positive Lives” exhibition & community discussion guide (UNFPA/UNHCR/ IAWG members)

6 STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8  Improve access to information and services for young people Challenges  Parents are the main barrier to opening youth centres or including SRH in school curricula,  Need parent-focused interventions (i.e.: “peer parents”) Activity:  develop culturally appropriate film/video/DVD (like “love in a time of AIDS” of UNHCR) showing parents explaining their concerns and why they approved of access to RH information and services for their children. (GTZ/refugee representative/MBogo HC /UNHCR /UNFPA/…)

7 STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8  Develop programmatic guidance for humanitarian settings on: Use of RDTs for syphilis screening in ANC, blood transfusion and STI services (WHO/UNFPA/IRC) Cervical cancer screening/prevention FP, STI and postnatal care services (UNFPA/SCF/JHPIEGO/Dr Mike/WHO)

8 STI/HIV/AIDS collaboration 2007/8  Program implementation: IAWG programme managers must take climate conditions into account when providing ARVs and other RH medicines and commodities to their programs Add ARV, STI and OI management drugs to MISP  Future discussions/modes of communication: E-mail contact and 3-monthly audio conferences

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