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Geoff Quigley, Stephen Childs and Brian Coghlan Trinity College Dublin

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1 Geoff Quigley, Stephen Childs and Brian Coghlan Trinity College Dublin
Quattor usage at TCD Geoff Quigley, Stephen Childs and Brian Coghlan Trinity College Dublin

2 Overview Grid-Ireland Quattor description Use of Quattor
Transactional deployment Kickstart Virtualisation

3 Ireland’s National Grid Initiative
Grid-Ireland Let’s talk about Grid-Ireland

4 Quattor QWG profiles for gLite Pan language Compiles to XML profiles
Open-source and extensible NCM components Use standard tools Ant, svn

5 Transactional Deployment
Central repository and web-interface Python and PHP scripting Deploy process Check out from SCDB and build with ant Sync XML profiles and RPMs to each site Any failure causes profiles to revert Nodes at each site poll local gridinstall Advantages Automation reduces mistakes Consistent configuration


7 quattor usage in Grid-Ireland
Stephen Childs Department of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin March 2009

8 Grid-Ireland Quattor Statistics
Sites 17 external, ~5 internal Active admins 7 Managed machines 465 (+29 since October) Quattor servers 20 Configuration repository SCDB Average commits/day 7.09 Virtualization Xen: 46 (+8) hosts, 164 (+35) guests Compiler panc 8.2.4 Monitoring Nagios, Lemon, MonAMI, Ganglia, pbswebmon

9 Developments and issues
Monitoring expanded further Nagios: adding local probes, writing component for EGEE NCG LEMON: upgrade to lemon-web on SL5 MonAMI fed into Ganglia (DPM, Torque) Tools checkdeps more or less working with new SL5 server quatview actively used and extended (in SCDB repo) panc now in use: debugging and logging useful SCDB: merged “hierarchical sites” model, tweaked VOMS roles ncm-accounts: Fixed bug - massive speedup Issues and future work Would still like equivalent to WN speedup integrated in compiler Get network, filesystems fully under quattor control Consistent scheme for monitoring in QWG

10 Gathering stats Current count of machine profiles:
svn ls –R $GI_REP_URL|sed -n \ '/profiles\/.*\.tpl$/p' Historic number of machine profiles: svn ls -r { } -R $GI_REP_URL |sed -n \ '/profiles\/.*\.tpl$/p‘ Number of Xen hosts: find build/xml/ -name '*.xml.dep'|xargs grep -l 'xen/host'|wc –l Number of Xen guests: find build/xml/ -name '*.xml.dep'|xargs grep -l 'xen/guest'|wc –l SVN checkin stats:

11 Links high-level overview of quattor: overview of grid-ireland setup:
overview of grid-ireland setup: collection of links for quattor users (including tutorials): pan language manual: d=221766&filename=pan-language-manual pdf wiki for the core templates we use:

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