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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Register Federation Architecture scenarios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Register Federation Architecture scenarios

2 RoR reg1reg2 reg3 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme reg3/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines Logistics extends Federation register Registerextendsregistry reg1/themereg1 reg2/themereg1/themereg2 reg3/themereg1/themereg3 Register federation Overview

3 Full text search scenarios 1. Decentralized search index RoR reg1reg2 reg3 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme reg3/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines Logistics extends Federation register Registerextendsregistry reg1/themereg1 reg2/themereg1/themereg2 reg3/themereg1/themereg3 1 q=addresses 2b 2a q=addresses 2C q=addresses r=reg1/theme/Ad 3a 4 aggregation 5 results list 0a index 0b index 0c index

4 Full text search scenarios 2. Centralized search index 0b RoR reg1reg2 reg3 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme reg3/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines Logistics extends Federation register Registerextendsregistry reg1/themereg1 reg2/themereg1/themereg2 reg3/themereg1/themereg3 1 q=addresses 3 results list Index harvesting 0a Index Push 2 0 Search index 0c retrieve all data & build index

5 Register federation Indexing overview Addresses Location of properties based on address identifiers, usually by road name, house number, postal code. Administrative units Units of administration, dividing areas where Member States have and/or exercise jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance, separated by administrative boundaries.... Solr index Solr server Common exchange data file RoR Solr indexer Harvesting Push Local register data Local register action RoR action Solr action

6 Extension scenarios 1. Decentralized extension information

7 0b RoR reg1 reg2 reg3 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme reg3/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines Logistics extends Federation register Registerextendsregistry reg1/themereg1 reg2/themereg1/themereg2 reg3/themereg1/themereg3 1 extension/reg1/theme 3 results list Registering extension 2 0 Extension information Harvesting extension 0c Item extends reg3/theme/logistics reg1/theme 0c extension Extension scenarios 2. Centralized extension information

8 What we suggest? Centralized scenarios Less effort for the local level implementers The effort is moved to the RoR SearchExtensions

9 Next steps Set up a testbed for the 2 different use cases (search and extension) Prerequisites The current production instance of the INSPIRE registry service will be used Create one or more sandbox instances as an example of local level registry Search use case Indexing system configuration Agree on a common exchange format for the indexes (first draft to be proposed by JRC) Implement different options for index data transfer: 1) Push 2) index harvesting 3) index creation from harvested data Implement query interface Extension use case DB / data model for RoR Agree on a common exchange format for extensions (first draft to be proposed by JRC) Implement different options for extension data transfer: 1) Push 2) harvesting Data access interface

10 reg1 reg2 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines extends 1 results list 2 Extension scenarios 3. Retrieve local extension GET reg2/theme reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… reg2/Land mines

11 reg1 reg2 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines extends 1 results list 5 Extension scenarios 3. Retrieve local extension GET reg2/theme reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… reg2/Land mines 2 GET reg2/theme results list 3 reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… 4 aggregation

12 reg1 reg2 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines extends 1 results list 2 Extension scenarios 3. Retrieve local extension GET reg2/theme reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… reg2/Land mines GET reg2/theme results list reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… aggregation 0b 0a 0c Support for notification of changes? Support for incremental updates?

13 reg1 reg2 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines extends 1 results list 2 Extension scenarios 3. Retrieve local extension GET reg2/theme reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… reg2/Land mines extension/reg2/theme results list reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… aggregation 0d 0a 0e RoR Federation register Registerextendsregistry reg1/themereg1 reg2/themereg1/themereg2 reg3/themereg1/themereg3 0 Extension information Extension info 0b GET reg2/theme 0c

14 reg1 reg2 reg1/ theme reg2/ theme Addresses Soil Geology Buildings … Land mines extends 1 results list 2 Extension scenarios 3. Retrieve local extension GET reg2/theme reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… reg2/Land mines results list reg1/Addresses reg1/Soil reg1/Geology reg1/Buildings reg1/… aggregation 0b 0c Federation register Registerextends reg2/themereg1/theme 0 Extension information GET reg2/theme 0a

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